6 interesting life hacks for the kitchen

6 interesting life hacks for the kitchen

Cooking is an interesting activity and a popular hobby among both men and women. A wonderful profession to take up, it is also a stress buster for a lot of individuals. It is said that nothing makes a cook happier than people relishing their food.

However, the process of cooking is never an easy task. A plethora of tips, tricks, and procedures to remember, you are literally playing with fire. A list of life hacks and tricks has been provided in this article for making cooking a simpler task for every person; pro or not.

  • Use dental floss
    It is smart to use dental floss for cutting softer foods into perfect shapes. For instance, Swiss rolls and cheese are soft food items and can be cut by using dental floss. It will result in perfect cut shapes and also save the kitchen from getting messy. This is one of the easiest life hacks and can even be applied by children.
  • Place ice cream in bags before refrigerating
    In order to freeze ice in the correct consistency, it can be placed in plastic bags before being put inside the freezer. This practice will prevent extreme hard ice formation and you can enjoy your sweet treats without any trouble.
  • Meal prep in advance
    People can use their weekends to cook their favorite dishes and store them in the refrigerator. It will save them time and labor for the rest of the week since the stored food can be reheated and consumed on particularly busy days. It also discourages a person to order food from outside.
  • Use apple slices for baked items
    Baked treats lose their moisture and become dry after some days. In order to prevent that, slices of apple can be placed along with the baked items in plastic containers. This will lock moisture, thereby keeping the treats soft and moist. Kitchen hacks like these teach practical storage of food and keep them tasty for a considerable span of time.
  • Use a spoon to peel boiled eggs
    Life hacks have simplified people’s lives to a significant extent. Peeling boiled eggs is often a messy task as the shell does not come off very easy, leading people to make dents in the egg while trying to remove it.  Instead of continuing this, one can sprinkle some salt into the water used for boiling the eggs. After it is boiled, they can use a spoon for cracking one end lightly and begin to peel the rest from inside.
  • Grill fish on top of lemon slices
    Upon placing fish fillets on the grill, these get stuck to the skin and either the skin and meat get overcooked or the fish starts breaking apart. However, this mess can be prevented if lemon slices are placed on the grill first and the fish slices are kept on those.

Cooking is an art that requires patience and dedication, just like any other productive and creative activity entails. Therefore, these useful hacks can be used for facilitating simpler kitchen and cooking activities.