Home Remedies for Fleas and Ticks
Natural Remedies

Home Remedies for Fleas and Ticks

Flea and tick season seems to approach us quicker each year. It is never fun to watch your beloved pet bite, itch, and scratching from fleas. It is even more disastrous when you have to worry about the different diseases that ticks can leave behind after biting your dog or yourself. Fleas and ticks can cause some dangerous diseases and conditions. This includes allergies, itching, and tapeworms if bitten by a flea. Ticks can cause even more havoc by causing conditions such as lyme disease or Cytauxzoonosis. Both of those are extremely dangerous for your pets. Leave the worry behind by using natural remedies to prevent and treat your extended family member: 1. Flea spray There are many different combinations of natural oils that will help to prevent and kill fleas and ticks. A homemade flea spray is inexpensive and easy to make. In a spray bottle combine 1 cup of apple cider vinegar, 3 drops of lavender or peppermint oil, then fill the bottle with water. The vinegar and oil will help to repel fleas and it also does not smell as bad as other recipes. You will need to apply this every 2-3 days, but can be applied more often if necessary.
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Natural Hair Removal Methods
Natural Remedies

Natural Hair Removal Methods

As a woman, body hair can be a difficult thing to deal with. You can use disposable razors, but that can lead to razor bumps and those are no fun! You can go and have it waxed by a professional, but that can be both time consuming and painful. You can use a traditional method of shaving with a disposable razor or use an at home wax kit, which is more budget friendly and may last longer until hair grows back. So what’s a girl to do to get rid of unwanted hair naturally at home? 1. Sugaring kits Sugaring is an ancient hair removal method that originated in the Middle East. It’s quite simple and easy to use. It involves a little cooking and you need sugar, water and lemon juice to make up a gel-like, sticky paste. It is similar to those home wax kits, but it is hypoallergenic, biodegradable, and organic. Sugaring will pull the hair out from the root but will not pull or stick to living skin cells. This will make it more gentle than waxing. 2. Pumice stone If you are in a pinch and find yourself in a position where you need to put on a dress but your legs are hairy, a pumice stone can help.
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Lifestyle Tips for Managing ADHD
Natural Remedies

Lifestyle Tips for Managing ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a medical condition with differences in the development and activity of the brain that impact attention, self-control, and the ability to sit in stillness. Its key symptoms include the inability to focus, excess movement that is not suited to the setting, and impulsive acts occurring in the moment with no prior consideration. While scientists have yet to identify ADHD’s causes, evidence supports genetics. Treatment strategies involve medication, psychotherapy, and strategies for behavior management: 1. Get sufficient sleep Many times people with ADHD, both children and adults, view sleep as a waste of their time or have difficulty quieting their minds enough to find restful slumber. This is problematic as adequate sleep provides an enormous benefit to both body and brain. Sleep that is restful and restorative is a powerful tool for maintaining daily attention and regulating mood. It also powers learning; the brain is quite active during sleep, replaying and consolidating the information that it received throughout the day. 2. Get more exercise Participating in regular exercise can help to manage the symptoms of ADHD. If nothing else, it helps to channel excess energy. In addition, team sports as a form of regular exercise can assist in the ability to work with other people, learn to set reasonable goals and realize them, and in general feel better about oneself.
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Natural Green Lawn Care Tips
Natural Remedies

Natural Green Lawn Care Tips

A beautiful and well-kept lawn is not only desirable, but also beneficial for the environment. Lawns can filter and improve water quality and provide oxygen. With that being said, they can hurt the environment as well if not properly maintained. So much water is wasted watering lawns that can’t absorb and certain lawn chemicals, such as fertilizers and weed killers, can pollute the water supply. Many of these environmental risks can be prevented by following non-chemical lawn care techniques. Here are a few examples on how you can make your lawn naturally healthy: 1. Using natural fertilizer When fertilizing your lawn, consider using a natural fertilizer made out of organic ingredients instead of the name brand commercial fertilizers. Organic fertilizers can be found in stores, but can also be made from many items lying around your home. Coffee grounds, banana peels, egg shells, and more can be used as fertilizer. With that being said, make sure not to overdo it because excess fertilizer can still wash away and pollute the water supply. 2. Aerate your soil Lawns that rely on chemicals generally have a hard time absorbing nutrients, while lawns that use green lawn care practices tend to have healthier soil quality.
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Natural Remedies for COPD
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, is a difficult condition to deal with on a daily basis. It causes difficulty breathing, chronic coughing, heavy mucus production, and sometimes heavy wheezing depending on the severity of the disease.Thankfully, in addition to doctor-prescribed medications and therapies (i.e., oxygen therapy), there are some natural remedies that can also help make living with this disease a bit easier. Just be sure to speak to your doctor before adding any natural remedies to your life: 1. Reduce pollutants that irritate airways Pollutants are in the air everywhere, but those suffering from COPD can reduce the stress on their airways by living in pollution free areas, and minimizing the products they use that can cause air pollution such as fragrant products and smoking. Going fragrant free on all household items such as cleaning and beauty can go along way to allowing COPD patients breathe a bit easier. 2. Breathing workouts for the lungs One of the best remedies for those suffering from COPD is working out the lungs with breathing exercises. Some of the best breathing workouts to use are diaphragmatic breathing exercises. 3. COPD diet for a healthy digestion and immune system Sticking to a diet can be hard, but the results one can provide sometimes can be beneficial to health and this is especially true for someone suffering with COPD.
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Natural Therapies for Amyloidosis
Natural Remedies

Natural Therapies for Amyloidosis

Amyloidosis is a debilitating disease that attacks various systems in the human body. Amyloid protein is a naturally forming protein within the fibrils. Individuals may suffer from an overproduction of amyloid, causing unnaturally elevated levels of the protein in cells. Amyloidosis can affect the heart, brain, renal systems, macular system, and other parts of the body. There is no cure for amyloidosis, but it can be managed through both standard medical treatment with some help from the following holistic methods (with doctor approval, of course): 1. Low salt diet An amyloidosis diet is much like any other healthy diet plan with a few exceptions. Because of the potential for water-weight gain and pain due to fluids overwhelming extremities, foods that cause the body to retain water should be avoided. Patients should introduce a reduced salt diet to reduce fluid collection, a symptom of amyloidosis. Foods that should be avoided due to high-salt content include bacon, chips, canned meats and vegetables, sausage and smoked fish. Nuts are also high in salt and should be avoided. 2. Natural diuretics There are natural and medicinal diuretics available. Discuss implementing natural diuretics into your diet. This includes coffee and tea, watermelon, asparagus, pineapples, grapes and celery.
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Natural Treatments for Eczema
Natural Remedies

Natural Treatments for Eczema

Eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is a common condition that presents itself as itchy red patches on the skin. While its exact cause is unknown, eczema tends to affect those who have family members with the condition as well as those who suffer from asthma and other allergies. Antihistamines, steroid shots, and topical creams and lotions can help with flare-ups, but the results are temporary and may not be very effective. Here are a few natural remedies to treat eczema: 1. Aloe vera Aloe vera is the ultimate natural skin repairer, so it is no wonder that the plant can both cure and prevent flare-ups. Applying it directly to the skin will aid in hydration, soothe itchiness, and restore the affected area. It is best to obtain the gel directly from the plant, but if you choose to buy a product that contains aloe vera, be sure that is made with all-natural ingredients. 2. Apple cider vinegar While it might burn a bit initially, apple cider vinegar can do wonders in the fight against eczema. Due to its acidic nature, applying it directly to the skin will help to balance its pH level and kill off harmful bacteria. 3. Colloidal oatmeal Colloidal oatmeal is a primary ingredient in many eczema topical creams and lotions.
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Natural Ways to Lower High Cholesterol
Natural Remedies

Natural Ways to Lower High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a type of fat that forms in the human body naturally. Eating meats and fried foods can increase cholesterol levels. A healthy cholesterol level is needed to maintain normal hormone function. When cholesterol is too high, it reaps havoc on the heart, brain and can negatively impact other bodily functions. High cholesterol is a result of poor diet and low physical activity. There are two types of cholesterol, HDL cholesterol is the good cholesterol, while LDL cholesterol is the unhealthy kind. Triglycerides are another factor that is monitored in conjunction with HDL and LDL levels and iss is a type of fat that the body stores. Excessive levels of triglycerides can lead to heart disease. Yet, there are many natural ways to help lower high cholesterol and triglycerides, including: 1. Lower cholesterol with better eating habits A change in diet is the first and foremost way to control cholesterol levels. Begin by eating more foods that reduce cholesterol, such as oats, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, and fruits high in fiber, like apples. Pay attention to fiber intake and consume as much as possible. You can reduce cholesterol by eating less food with saturated fat and by eating a lot of garlic.
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