What you need to know about dry eyes

What you need to know about dry eyes

They say “a tear is made of 1% water and 99% feelings.” Well, a phrase like this might sound beautiful and even true to some extent. But biology states this natural lubricant that keeps the eyes free from dust particles is in fact made up of water, mucin, lipids, lysozyme, lactoferrin, lipocalin, lacritin, immunoglobulins, glucose, urea, sodium, and potassium. Phew! That is a long list of substances indeed for a measly tear you might think. But we suggest that you do not underestimate the capabilities of the tear. Every time we blink, a film of tear coats the cornea of the eyes. This helps in many ways, such as lubricating it; protecting it from dust fragments microbial infection; healing any damage caused to the eye surface; nourishing it by providing oxygen; and keeping the eye surface moist and smooth to refract light and help us see clearly. Have we ever stopped for a minute to think about these functions of tears? Dry eyes, a common medical condition is caused by the lack of adequate tears in the eyes. Research and scientific advancements have helped us understand how dry eyes are caused. The first thing we do when we have pain or discomfort in the eyes is to either splash it with clean cold water or apply some warm oil over it or see an ophthalmologist, choosing one or the other depending on our attitude toward taking care of ourselves.
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Methods to diagnose and treat heartburn

Methods to diagnose and treat heartburn

Heartburn, also known as acid reflux or acid indigestion, is caused by the passing of the stomach’s contents back to the esophagus. The stomach acid irritates the inner lining of the esophagus, causing pain in the upper abdomen area and the chest. This pain can be misinterpreted as heart disease, and so, it is important to get medical attention at the onset of irritation and pain in these areas. Medical attention should be sought when: Symptoms of heartburn occur more than twice a week There is difficulty swallowing — a condition termed dysphagia There is a sensation of nausea and vomiting One has difficulty eating and undergoes unexplained weight loss Over-the-counter medications are not effective in quelling the symptoms Diagnosis Diagnosis of heartburn begins with a complete history of the patient and physical examination. In a large number of cases, this examination is enough for the physician to start the treatment. Sometimes more tests are required. X-ray tests use barium meal or other contrast material to determine if there is inflammation or irregularities on the esophagus wall. This test can also show if the esophagus has the regular rhythmic wave-like movements (peristalsis) that push food down from the gullet into the stomach.
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Understanding everything about an allergy

Understanding everything about an allergy

An allergy is an immune system response to foreign particles or substances that are not typically harmful to your body. These foreign substances are called allergens and include certain foods, pollen, or pet dander. Your immune system’s work is to keep you healthy by fighting and attacking harmful pathogens. This is achieved by attacking anything it thinks poses a risk to your body. Depending on the allergen, this response may involve inflammation, sneezing, rashes or a host of other symptoms. The immune system generally adjusts to your environment since it is highly flexible. For example, when your body encounters something like pollen grains, it should realize it’s harmless. In people with pollen allergies, the immune system perceives it as an outside invader threatening the body and attacks it, which results in incessant sneezing. The level of pollution in the atmosphere has a direct impact on the number of allergens in the air. Many people suffer from recurrent allergies due to the changing season. The main symptoms of an allergic reaction and reduced resistance are troubled breaths, cough, sneezes, runny nose, sore throat, rash on the skin, constant itches, scalp problems, low-blood pressure, asthma, odor, rash, itching, excessive heat. Certain tests are recommended as a means to diagnose allergies.
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Facts about chickenpox you must know

Facts about chickenpox you must know

Chickenpox, also referred to as varicella, is a highly contagious disorder. It is a viral infection that results in an itchy rash with small, reddish, fluid-filled blisters. Chickenpox is highly contagious to people who were never infected by the virus earlier or not been given chickenpox shot. Chickenpox vaccination is improving the conditions and reducing complications of chickenpox. Symptoms The appearance of the rash is the pre-eminent symptom of the chickenpox. Before a rash, there will be A general feeling of being uneasy and unwell (malaise). Severe fever in adults than in children. Muscles pain. Loss of appetite or hunger. A strong feeling of nausea. Once the rash emerges, there will be: Rash A rash can cover few spots to whole body portions. Spots The spots form into groups and mainly appear on the face, chest, limbs, and stomach. They could be, reddish, itchy, small or in clusters. Blisters Itchy blisters generally develop on the top of the spots. Clouding In 2 days, the blisters cloud over and start drying and the crust and scab get developed. Healing Approximately in 10 days, the crusts fall off without external efforts. New bumps, spots continue to appear for the next couple of days.
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How to treat growth hormone deficiency in children

How to treat growth hormone deficiency in children

The pituitary gland plays a vital role in the normal growth rate of children. This gland produces growth hormones, which is essential for healthy growth in children. The pituitary gland is the size of a pea and is located at the base of the skull. This gland secretes a total of 8 hormones that control thyroid activity and the temperature of the body. When the height and weight growth rates of the child do not meet normal standards, the child is said to have a growth hormone deficiency. The good news is that GHD is treatable. Early diagnosis and timely treatment ensure that the condition is treated and that the growth rate of the child is back on track. Causes of growth hormone deficiency As mentioned above, the decreased secretion of growth hormone by the pituitary gland results in growth hormone deficiency. GHD may be present at birth itself. In some cases, however, GHD may be caused by a medical condition, like a serious brain injury and tumor, etc. Children with cleft lip or palate may also have decreased growth hormone levels. Acquired growth hormone deficiency (AGHD) occurs when an injury occurs to the brain, or due to medication. Treatment of growth hormone deficiency Prompt treatment of growth hormone deficiency ensures a complete cure.
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Nasal congestion – Causes and treatment

Nasal congestion – Causes and treatment

Nasal congestion is the blockage of the nasal passage that causes trouble in breathing. It is not a disease but can be treated as a symptom related to other conditions. One can have trouble with breathing or have a runny nose due to nasal congestion. They may also experience mucus build up or sinus pain along with swelling of the nasal tissues. Various factors can lead to nasal congestion. However, identifying the cause of nasal congestion will help in treating and relieving the uneasiness and pain that accompanies this health issue. Causes of nasal congestion A common cold, the flu or a sinus infection can lead to nasal congestion. However, along with these common causes, some other factors can also contribute to nasal congestion. These factors could be all types of allergies, hay fever or allergic rhinitis, or exposure to chemical substances. Nasal polyp, which is a non-cancerous growth or a benign tumor in the nasal passage, can also lead to long-term nasal congestion. In many cases, due to the deviation of the nasal septum, a patient’s nasal passage may become smaller, leading to continuous nasal congestion. Chronic sinusitis, a type of long-term sinus infection, can also lead to nasal congestion.
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Types of fillings and their advantages

Types of fillings and their advantages

You can choose from different types of fillings to repair any decayed teeth. However, it is best to go with the dentist’s suggestion about the type of filling as they can guide you about the best choice which will serve you for a long time. Given below are some of the leading variants of fillings and their advantages. You can go through this list and choose an option that best suits your needs. Advantages of cast gold dental filling Perfection Cast gold fillings are perfect because they are made in the laboratory according to your tooth’s shape. However, because of this, it may take a long time to make this filling. Durability The gold cast fillings are quite durable. They are relatively expensive not just because of the metal used but also because of the durability they offer. Once installed, gold fillings can last for nearly 20 years. Aesthetics The aesthetic value of a gold filling depends upon the patient. If you are okay with the look of a gold filling, you must opt for this because of the benefits it offers. Strength The use of gold filling to repair teeth is an excellent measure as it can withstand deterioration due to repetitive movements like chewing over the years.
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6 interesting life hacks for the kitchen

6 interesting life hacks for the kitchen

Cooking is an interesting activity and a popular hobby among both men and women. A wonderful profession to take up, it is also a stress buster for a lot of individuals. It is said that nothing makes a cook happier than people relishing their food. However, the process of cooking is never an easy task. A plethora of tips, tricks, and procedures to remember, you are literally playing with fire. A list of life hacks and tricks has been provided in this article for making cooking a simpler task for every person; pro or not. Use dental floss It is smart to use dental floss for cutting softer foods into perfect shapes. For instance, Swiss rolls and cheese are soft food items and can be cut by using dental floss. It will result in perfect cut shapes and also save the kitchen from getting messy. This is one of the easiest life hacks and can even be applied by children. Place ice cream in bags before refrigerating In order to freeze ice in the correct consistency, it can be placed in plastic bags before being put inside the freezer. This practice will prevent extreme hard ice formation and you can enjoy your sweet treats without any trouble.
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Causes and symptoms of impacted teeth

Causes and symptoms of impacted teeth

Impacted teeth are referred to those permanent teeth which for some reasons have not erupted beyond the gums or have only erupted partially. This is relatively a very common problem which does not cause any serious complications. But for some others, these harmless teeth can pose a serious threat to health complications like excruciating gum pain, bite misalignment etc. The wisdom tooth or the third molars become impacted frequently. Read below to know the reason why these teeth become impacted and what are the probable symptoms. Causes of impacted teeth Read below to know about some of the probable causes of teeth being impacted. Overcrowding of teeth If your mouth is already overcrowded with the permanent set of teeth, the chances of the third molars from fully erupting are relatively less. That is to say, if the jaw does not have sufficient space for new teeth, it can prevent the new tooth from erupting. The wisdom tooth typically begins to erupt in between 17 to 21 years of age when the jaw stops growing further. Due to this reason, the jaw becomes too small to accommodate any new tooth. Moreover, the wisdom tooth has typically no use in reality so they are often removed if they post any problem.
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Facts to know about dry mouth

Facts to know about dry mouth

A feeling of dryness in the mouth is one of the most common things that you might have encountered. For instance, you must have felt a desperate need for water in the middle of the night, or you must have felt dryness in your mouth out of being under a lot of pressure at work or out of anxiety to perform well in an exam. That’s quite normal and hardly has that kind of dryness in the mouth ever worried you. However, there are instances when you shouldn’t ignore a dry mouth. Before we enlist the situations where a dry mouth may be worrisome, let’s understand why human saliva is important. There is a reason it is produced by the salivary glands. Saliva breaks your food by moistening it, thereby making it easy to digest. It washes away the residual food from your teeth and gums. The human saliva contains phosphate and calcium, which help the teeth fight tooth decay. Do you constantly have issues in doing simple activities like speaking or chewing or swallowing food? Is this something that has now become regular? You may want to deliberate upon the following points so that, if necessary, the right precautions may be taken on time.
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