6 everyday life hacks you should know about

6 everyday life hacks you should know about

Being able to accomplish a task is really satisfactory, but you know what’s even better? Being able to accomplish it efficiently! There’s something highly rewarding about approaching a problem and figuring out the best way to solve it. This is also the prime reason as to why the Internet is obsessed with life hacks these days. Every problem under the sun can be solved with the help of life hacks. The hacks that we will be discussing in the article below may happen to be some of the most useful ones since they can help you solve all those pesky everyday problems that drive you crazy. Let us look at a few everyday hacks and how they can make your life simpler. For dirty shoes A nail polish remover can prove to be extremely effective when it comes to removing grime and scuffs on patent leather or tennis shoes. All you need to do is add a little bit of it to a cotton ball in order to wipe away the marks. For getting rid of cloth wrinkles Put around 2-3 ice cubes in the dryer along with your clothing and place the dryer on its hottest setting. Eventually, the ice in the dryer will melt and turn into steam which in turn gets all the wrinkles out.
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DIY and crafts ideas that will save money

DIY and crafts ideas that will save money

DIY – literally an abbreviation of ‘do it yourself’ – is a concept that is fast gaining popularity. With several tutorials available online, you can pretty much make anything at home if you have the right guidance and materials at hand. Though at times, there are some DIY ideas that seem easy on paper and extremely hard to actually re-create. With that in mind, here are some truly simple DIY and crafts ideas that are not only simple but will also save you money. Candle-making Candles are items that truly have a multipurpose use. They are a necessity when electricity fails, can be used as an elegant decorative item, and can also make for wonderful gifts. So, learning to make a candle can prove extremely useful. The best part is that making a candle is also quite easy. You can either purchase a ready-assembled candle making kit online or purchase the following items: candle wax (there are many types; you can start with soy wax), pre-tabbed wicks, a pot or kettle for boiling, and some fragrance or dyes if required. Instructions to make candles are readily available on many DIY and crafts websites and if you buy a pre-assembled candle making kit, the instructions will come along with it.
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Veganism – Your guide to a healthy lifestyle

Veganism – Your guide to a healthy lifestyle

Veganism helps in safeguarding people against some of the most common diseases. It is also key to a healthy life. Here are some frequently asked questions about veganism. Can veganism lead to deficiencies? Though there are risks of nutrient deficiencies, the good news is that vegans have substitutes like nuts and whole grains to depend upon. Since products like meat and milk are not included in a vegan diet, it is their responsibility to make sure that they get adequate amounts of calcium, zinc, and iron. Does veganism lead to reduced bone density? Calcium and iron are two major elements that are present in dairy products as well as in meat and fish. However, those who practice veganism can look for alternative sources of calcium and minerals. For example, vegans who prefer a complete overhaul in their diet and want a dairy-free way of life can choose from figs, spinach, black-eyed beans, and kale. Vegan cheese, soy milk, and almond milk are also gaining popularity. Contrary to popular belief, vegans are said to absorb calcium at a much faster rate. How can veganism help in battling cardiovascular diseases? Those who practice veganism face a lesser risk of heart failures and other related cardiovascular diseases than those who consume meat.
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Tips to successfully follow a sugar-free diet

Tips to successfully follow a sugar-free diet

A sugar-free diet has many health benefits. But some people find it difficult to give up on sugar. A sugar-free diet is beneficial for your health in many ways. It helps to reduce blood sugar level, reduces food cravings, and helps in weight loss. Cutting down on sugar not only benefits your physical health but also your mental health. Here are some tips to help you follow a sugar-free diet: What to give up A sugar-free diet requires one to give up on sugar in coffee, tea, and other beverages completely. Honey and syrup should also be avoided. You have to say goodbye to all the foods that have sugar, such as cakes, pastries, bread, etc. All artificial sweeteners have to be given up. Additionally, one may have to give up on dairy products that contain sugar. What to eat You can eat all types of meat and fruits with low sugar content, such as apples, blueberries, cantaloupe, coconut, grapefruit, kiwi, limes, peach, orange, plum, pear, and strawberries. Natural sugars are okay to consume but in proportion. You can also consume foods like fresh vegetables, legumes, beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, spices, eggs, and protein powder. There are various items allowed in this diet to satisfy your hunger without consuming sugar.
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Foods to eat for the MIND diet

Foods to eat for the MIND diet

The MIND diet is a combination of the Mediterranean diet and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. It is designed to prevent age-related memory loss and loss of brain function. Studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet are two very effective forms of dieting. Currently, there are no specific guidelines as to how a MIND diet should be followed. But knowing what foods to eat and what not to eat helps in getting started on an effective meal plan. Foods to eat in the MIND diet Berries – Eating berries at least twice a week has proven beneficial when following the MIND diet. Berries are full of antioxidants, which fight the free radicals that are responsible for aging. Although research shows the effectiveness of strawberries alone, you should consider eating other berries like raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries. Green leafy vegetables – Six or more servings of green leafy vegetables is suggested for the MIND diet to be completely effective. This includes spinach, kale, salads, and cooked greens. Other vegetables – In addition to green leafy vegetables, it is suggested that you eat at least one other vegetable. A non-starchy vegetable is suggested as it is low in calories compared to vegetables like potato or sweet potato.
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Benefits of following the TLC diet

Benefits of following the TLC diet

The (therapeutic lifestyle changes) TLC diet is a very effective diet program and unlike other fad diets, its effects are long-lasting and demand a major lifestyle change. People who opt for the TLC diet should also follow a strict exercise regime. This diet is not a weight-loss program but focuses on reducing the LDL or bad cholesterol from the body. It demands a major lifestyle change and is a very cost-effective program. For the ones who are looking for a healthy, balanced lifestyle, it would be a great choice to switch to the TLC diet program. Things to know about the TLC diet The TLC diet is one of the healthiest diet programs that help to maintain a healthy heart and a healthy lifestyle. Some of the major advantages of the TLC diet are The diet focuses on reducing saturated fat from the body. LDL or bad cholesterol is formed due to saturated fat. These are the reasons for almost all the heart diseases in the country. The TLC diet helps reduce bad cholesterol by 8-10 percent in six weeks. It’s a DIY program wherein the person will have to meet the guidelines and keep a check on the daily consumption of cholesterol.
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All about the flexitarian diet

All about the flexitarian diet

Most diets work by placing restrictions on what you eat while some are highly restrictive and eliminate most kinds of foods. The flexitarian diet, on the other hand, is the most accommodative and one of the easiest diets to follow. How it works The word flexitarian is a combination of flexible and vegetarian. Essentially, the diet is a flexible approach to having a mostly vegetarian diet. Many studies have established that a vegetarian diet helps you lose weight. Vegetarians generally weigh less than meat eaters. People consuming a partially vegetarian diet also weigh lesser than meat eaters. Hence, going vegetarian can help one combat obesity and keep them fit and healthy. How the flexitarian diet works The flexitarian diet, as the name suggests, is very flexible. In fact, it is just a set of guidelines on what you eat rather than a set of strict rules. The diet plan suggests that you begin eating less meat and include more plant-based foods that contain more fiber and antioxidants. This helps cut down the risk of heart disease and many types of cancer. The flexitarian diet suggests a gradual decrease in meat consumption. Even at the final level, it does not completely eliminate meat.
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All about the Paleo diet

All about the Paleo diet

A well-balanced diet plays a crucial role to maintain and enhance one’s health and stamina and also keeps diseases at bay. It’s important to note that a well-balanced diet implies the consumption of the right food at the right time in the right quantity. Its significance in our lives cannot be stressed enough. History of the Paleo diet A paleolithic diet, popularized as the Paleo diet, is considered to be a Stone-Age diet that is inspired by cavemen. It includes foods that are considered to have been the only foods available for human consumption during that era. It’s derived from the fact that the best food is directly available from nature rather than foods like dairy products, cereals, and artificially processed foods. Back then, before agricultural practices had developed, our ancestors didn’t consume processed sugars, refined oils, potatoes or beans, and cereals. During the Paleolithic era, the digestive capacity of humans was significantly different from that of evolved humans. During that era, humans didn’t consume milk since it was impossible to milk any animals. As for sweeteners, raw honey was the only source and no salt was used. The diet was rich in protein. Most of the life-threatening diseases and health problems in recent times are the causes of changes in the diet.
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Helping someone with an eating disorder

Helping someone with an eating disorder

An individual suffering from an eating disorder is less likely to discuss their condition. Eating disorders, being a type of mental illness, are a hard nut to crack. While it may seem simple, it can turn out to be a nightmare for the people around. Sometimes, the victims are in denial and will refuse to get the required help. Eating disorder symptoms are often unknown to most, and it may take a while before somebody learns of its existence. The symptoms may be coupled with other underlying conditions, like depression and stress, which will make it more complex. However, utmost patience while dealing with the disorder can help the victim. Empathize Family and friends should empathize with the person undergoing this condition. Many often do not understand their illness and refrain from answering questions. Understanding the mental state of the person before stepping to help him/her is essential. If the eating disorder has progressed, leaving the person malnourished, it will be a precarious situation. The person may view the world around him/her differently. They may have a distorted view of themselves and their surroundings. Choose the right time Talking about a person’s condition around the clock may not be the wisest thing.
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Superfood options to manage diabetes

Superfood options to manage diabetes

Diabetes is a lifelong condition which can only be managed using medications and making the required lifestyle changed. Understanding what you should or should not have in diabetes is tricky. You need to calculate the glycemic index of your food intake and an index measure of less than 55 and more than 70 is not a good measure. While it is a commonly held belief that green, leafy vegetables are good for health, in diabetes, this is not the case as not all the greens have the same nutrients. Vegetables you expect to be healthy could be a wrong choice due to them contributing to a high GI. Foods that are naturally low in glycemic index are a good choice for diabetes patients for a better chance at managing the condition. Let us look at six superfoods that are best choices for diabetes patients. Berries: Blueberries are antioxidant filled powerhouses and are rich in vitamin C. Berries like raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries are all excellent superfood for diabetes patients. The intake of berries reduces the risk of heart diseases and cancer. Blueberries, if had in the right amount, have anti-inflammatory properties as well. Tomatoes: Tomatoes contain lycopene, and whether eaten raw or cooked, have powerful anti-inflammatory properties and reduce chances of cancer, degeneration, and other health problems.
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