Dietary Tips for Breast Cancer

Dietary Tips for Breast Cancer

Dietary tips for breast cancer aren’t meant to cure breast cancer. Rather, these eating tips may help prevent BRCA mutations, prevent the risk of breast cancer, and even aid healing for breast cancer patient undergoing traditional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation. There are foods that help inflammation, which is often a source of pain for patients with breast cancer. Also, chemotherapy and other drug treatments for breast cancer destroy healthy elements in the body in an effort to destroy cancer cells. Many foods are good, on the other hand, may help boost natural immunity and cell regeneration. Foods like aloe, peppers, green tea, and beets assist in protecting the body’s organs and tissues from cancer. However, certain foods when consumed in excess, can fight the positive effects of a good diet. For example, research shows the over-consumption of sugar, salt, and carbonated soda may lead to several chronic diseases. Instead, focus on these dietary tips to help prevent breast cancer: 1. Turmeric Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory and contains antioxidants. It is easily used in savory foods like curries and stews and allows the body to utilize its natural healing properties. Mix it with rice, potatoes, and vegetable dishes. Turmeric is also used in beverages, or tea with milk and honey.
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Dietary Tips for Depression

Dietary Tips for Depression

Clinical depression, also known as major depression disorder, is a mood disorder that causes a variety of emotional concerns that affect a person’s thoughts and behaviors, often compromising the ability to function. The most common symptoms of clinical depression are persistent feelings of sadness, irritability, difficulty sleeping, loss of interest or pleasure, lack of energy, loss of appetite, trouble concentrating, feelings of worthlessness, and thoughts of suicide and death. Changes in hormone levels, changes in neurotransmitter(s), and genetics are all scientifically believed to be contributing factors for depression. The use of SSRIs (or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and SNRIs (serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors) are the traditional standard medication to treat depression. However, in serious cases, the therapist may prescribe MAOIs (or monoamine oxidase inhibitors) if previous medications fail to work, according to research from the Mayo Clinic. Traditional treatment of depression can be effective in reducing feelings of depression, but changing your diet can also go a long way in relieving the signs and symptoms of depression: 1. High sugar foods Foods high in sugar should be avoided, or at least consumed in moderation, as they contain empty calories that do nothing for the body destabilizing your mood with feelings with temporary high points and debilitating lows.
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Dietary Tips for Ulcerative Colitis

Dietary Tips for Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a type of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes sores in the inner lining of the intestinal tract. The most common area for sores to occur is in the colon and rectum. Ulcerative colitis has no cure, but with the proper diet and other health measures, many people have their symptoms go into remission. Here are a few diet tips that can help with ulcerative colitis symptoms: 1. Low FODMAP diet One thing that can really hurt the gut is sugar and other types of carbohydrates. Those that are considered FODMAP can cause those diagnosed with Ulcerative colitis to have low gut bacteria, and other problems such as diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain and bloating. The foods to avoid include rye, barley, high fructose corn syrup, peaches, plums, cherries, milk, ice cream, onion, garlic, mushrooms, cauliflower and a host of others. While it may seem like nothing is allowed on the diet, this is not true. Healthy foods for colitis on the FODMAP diet include favorites such as rice, oats, gluten free pasta, berries (not blackberries), protein, and even some dairy products. The results of this diet is that at least 75% of those diagnosed see a major change in their body.
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Foods for Prostate Cancer

Foods for Prostate Cancer

A man’s prostate produces fluid found in sperm, and during ejaculation it moves sperm into the urethra. It’s not just discussed in medical settings anymore. It has become a household term. Prostate cancer is now the leading form of men’s cancers. It usually stays confined to the prostate and can be treated. The cancer can move throughout the body and become fatal. To reduce your risk for prostate cancer, check out the following foods that help with prostate cancer prevention: 1. Work walnuts into your day When people talk about the size and shape of the prostate, they often compare it to a walnut. Snack away on walnuts throughout the day to minimize the risk. They contain healthy fats and a low carbohydrate count. Prostate cancer has been linked to high fat and carb diets. Consider fruits and vegetables as snacks too. 2. Chew on cruciferous vegetables No need to go grab that fourth grade science book…examples of cruciferous vegetables are broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, collard and radishes. There are several others too. But the most important thing to note is that cruciferous vegetables are low in carbs and high in antioxidants that can help stop changes to your cells that can lead to cancer.
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Fun and Tasty Kid’s Snacks

Fun and Tasty Kid’s Snacks

Growing children get hungry. The trouble is they can be picky. Sweet treats are a delight to the pallet, but excess sugar can lead to energy and dental issues. How can a parent change their child’s habits and teach them healthy alternatives are better? Convincing your child to choose berries, fruits, vegetables, lean protein, heart-healthy fats, and whole grain alternatives may take a little creative thinking and food preparation. Yet snack time can be a lot of fun. For instance, you can enlist children as young as eighteen months to two years can help make their own snacks. Or make snack time into a tea party or picnic. Here are some fun yet tasty ideas for kids’ snack time: 1. Avocado boats There are many types of fat and not all of it is unhealthy. The fat found in avocados and nuts, for example, contain healthy fats. Children can make their own avocado boats, filling them with a variety of chopped vegetables like tomatoes and carrots. 2. Ants on a log Nuts, seeds, and raisins can be added to ‘ants on a log’ using low fat cream cheese or nut butter to affix them to the vegetable. 3. Nuts and cheese Protein is important to a growing body and mind.
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Snacks for Arthritis

Snacks for Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that commonly affects the joints, but can also affect other parts of the body, including the eyes, lungs, hands, heart, skin, and blood vessels. The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can vary but often include swollen, painful joints, joint stiffness, and severe fatigue. This type of arthritis is considered an autoimmune disorder and occurs when the body attacks the membranes that surround the joints in the body. Steroids and anti-inflammatory medications are the most common treatments for the disease, but a healthy diet can also help improve the symptoms. Here are a few healthy snacks that can help relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis: 1. Fish Fatty fish and fish that contain a lot of oils are great snacks for anyone suffering from RA. Fish contain omega 3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties that can help keep the body’s immune system from working in overdrive. Some examples of oily fish including anchovies, sardines, herring, salmon, and tuna. 2. Kale Kale is full of antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation. Kale should be a part of every rheumatoid arthritis diet and can be eaten in a variety of different ways. Try it raw in a salad, baked into kale chips, or added to casseroles and soups.
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Dietary Tips for Gout

Dietary Tips for Gout

A complex form of arthritis that many people suffer from is a condition known as gout, or gouty arthritis. Gout causes chronic red swelling and extreme aches and pains in joints. It can be caused by eating purine-rich foods, environmental factors, medications, and a family history of the condition. Thankfully, there are ways you can help prevent and calm down gout flare ups. One of those ways is by sticking to a strict gout diet. This list of gout-friendly snacking foods can help you get started: 1. Citrus fruit Vitamin c is a necessary nutrient the body needs to help relieve inflammation and keep the immune system healthy so it can help prevent and relieve gout flare ups. Some of the best citrus fruits to snack on to battle gout are oranges, grapefruits, pommels, mandarin oranges, and tangerines. 2. Quinoa for pain relief Quinoa is a superfood and when you are suffering from gout you need to consume less protein and more carbohydrates to fuel the body. Quinoa is one of the best carbohydrates you can eat because it not only contains nutrients to provide the body with energy, but it also contains vital minerals and fatty acids essential for keeping inflammation and pain down and away.
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Foods for Migraines

Foods for Migraines

Migraines are very debilitating with symptoms that include pulsating pain on one or both sides of the head and throbbing that travels to the jaw and eyes. The pain can be so intense that it causes nausea or vomiting, blurred vision, fainting, lightheadedness, and sensitivity to light, touch, sound, and smell. Although doctors are unsure of the causes, they appear to be hereditary and related to changes in the brain. You can inherit certain triggers, such as changes in the weather and various food triggers. Traditional treatments consist of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, nausea medication, and cardiovascular drugs, like beta blockers used to treat high blood pressure. However, there are also alternative treatments for migraines that are quite successful. One of the most effective treatments is a migraine diet that incorporates certain foods for headaches. Here are a few foods for headache relief: 1. Powerful potatoes When your body is dehydrated it can trigger a migraine. In fact, dehydration can deplete electrolytes like potassium and potatoes are a great source of potassium. In addition, potatoes are about 75 percent water which is very hydrating. Make sure to eat the skin, it is packed with mega nutrients. 2.
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The Top 3 Migraine Triggering Foods

The Top 3 Migraine Triggering Foods

Migraines are a common health problem that can be triggered by certain foods. These foods may react with the mucus membrane and stir up intense pain due to the body rejecting the food’s constitutional makeup. Migraine symptoms include pounding headache, nausea, double vision, and nausea and vomiting, along with dizziness and mental confusion. Migraines often require medical attention if they are reoccurring in nature, and sometimes they will not go away without some action or medical treatment. In addition to environmental factors (i.e., smells and noise), common foods in your diet may be responsible for triggering a migraine: 1. Wheat Wheat is a grain that opens the pores and allows toxins that can trigger a migraine like reaction. This coupled with any other food groups can cause a full-blown migraine. You don’t have to avoid wheat forever, as certain types of wheat react differently with different metabolic systems and time can change your physical make-up. Hard wheats like corn can be a good starting place in an elimination diet. Soft wheats like chips can often be tolerated in smaller amounts. Flour is a close second to the wheat family for triggering migraines. 2. Soda Soda has a number of chemicals that can trigger one into a migraine state.
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Do’s and Don’ts of the Keto Diet

Do’s and Don’ts of the Keto Diet

When it comes to unique diets, the Keto diet is among the most popular. This particular diet focuses on consuming foods that provide an individual with a variety of healthy fats and adequate amounts of protein. It also includes consuming a minimal amount of carbohydrates as well. The main goal of the Keto diet is to burn more calories from fat than from consuming carbohydrates, as the participant enters a state of ketosis. For newbies, here are some dos and don’ts of the keto diet 1. Do: Plan out your meals One of the things that you will need to do when going on the Ketogenic diet is to plan your meals in advance. It is important to carefully determine the exact foods that you will eat for each particular meal during the day. You can also plan a meal by cooking up a bunch of hard boiled eggs, chicken breasts, slicing avocados, and prepping foods for meals ahead of time so you can spend less time preparing each meal, and thus, be less tempted to eat non-keto approved foods when you’re busy or hungry. 2. Do: Eat whole foods Another key thing that you will need to do when going on the Keto diet is to eat whole foods.
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