Five early symptoms of HIV in women
Early symptoms of HIV are usually mild and hence, they are mostly ignored. Even though a person is not experiencing any visible symptoms, a person who is HIV positive will continue to pass on the virus to others as well. That’s why it is essential for people to know about their HIV status. Most symptoms that men and women both experience after being diagnosed with HIV are the same. However, not all of them. The common symptoms women experience that should not be overlooked are: Flu-like symptoms Most people don’t experience any symptoms in the early weeks after contracting HIV. However, some people may face mild flu-like symptoms like: A headache Fever Swollen lymph glands Rash Lack of energy These symptoms generally tend to fade away in a few weeks time. In some cases, it may take even as long as 10 years for the severe symptoms to appear. Swollen glands Lymph nodes are located all over the body, including the back of the head, armpits, groin, and neck. As lymph nodes are a part of the immune system, they resist infections by storing immune cells and filtering pathogens. As the condition of HIV progresses, the immune system of the body kicks into the high gear.
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