Five early symptoms of HIV in women

Five early symptoms of HIV in women

Early symptoms of HIV are usually mild and hence, they are mostly ignored. Even though a person is not experiencing any visible symptoms, a person who is HIV positive will continue to pass on the virus to others as well. That’s why it is essential for people to know about their HIV status. Most symptoms that men and women both experience after being diagnosed with HIV are the same. However, not all of them. The common symptoms women experience that should not be overlooked are: Flu-like symptoms Most people don’t experience any symptoms in the early weeks after contracting HIV. However, some people may face mild flu-like symptoms like: A headache Fever Swollen lymph glands Rash Lack of energy These symptoms generally tend to fade away in a few weeks time. In some cases, it may take even as long as 10 years for the severe symptoms to appear. Swollen glands Lymph nodes are located all over the body, including the back of the head, armpits, groin, and neck. As lymph nodes are a part of the immune system, they resist infections by storing immune cells and filtering pathogens. As the condition of HIV progresses, the immune system of the body kicks into the high gear.
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What causes hepatitis and what are its symptoms

What causes hepatitis and what are its symptoms

The inflammation or enlargement of the liver due to infection is known as hepatitis. The main types prevalent in the country are Hepatitis A, B, and C. The symptoms of this disease are usually mistaken for a stomach virus. Though most cases are resolved in a month, they could lead to a chronic liver infection and severe damage known as cirrhosis. Sometimes it could lead to liver cancer. Sudden illnesses could be caused by Hepatitis B and C. Contamination is a significant factor that causes Hepatitis, like eating or drinking food contaminated with the fecal matter of an infected person. The risk is higher when there is poor hygiene and sanitation. Being in close contact with an infected person (changing a diaper or sexual contact) is another cause. Infected blood, semen, and other body fluids mainly spread Hepatitis B and C. Hepatitis A can spread by eating unwashed contaminated fresh fruits and vegetables. Uncooked shellfish like oysters and clams can transmit Hepatitis if they have been harvested from polluted waters. Hepatitis B and C can be passed from mother to child during birth through body fluids. Use of infected needles and razors used in salons could cause hepatitis. Hepatitis can be caused by alcohol and other toxins.
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Understanding lung cancer and its symptoms

Understanding lung cancer and its symptoms

Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in the country, the first being prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women. The American Cancer Society, in its annual forecast, has estimated that at least 228,150 new cases of lung cancer and 142,670 deaths are likely to happen in 2019. Lung cancer if detected early is completely curable. Even though smoking is considered to be the main cause of lung cancer, there are other factors which are equally harmful. Primary and secondary cancer are the two types of lung cancer. Cancer that starts in the lungs is primary cancer and cancer which starts in other parts of the body and spreads to the lungs is secondary cancer. The first type is the most common type of lung cancer with four out of five patients affected by it. There are many types of primary cancer based on the types of cells that are affected. Non-small lung cancer (NSCLC): Four out of five cancers are of this type. This is most common among smokers and those who inhale that smoke regularly. NSCLC can be further classified as: Adenocarcinoma:  Starting in the cells of the outer part of the lungs, i.e., in the air sacs where mucus is produced.
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Signs and symptoms of meningitis

Signs and symptoms of meningitis

Depending on the age of the person and the cause of the infection, the symptoms of meningitis can vary. Sometimes symptoms begin to show almost instantly after the person has been infected and other times, it can take several days to show after the person has had a cold, nausea, diarrhea or other signs of infection. Most common symptoms include: Lack of energy Irritability Fever Headache Sensitivity to light Skin rash Stiff neck Symptoms in infants with meningitis are different from those in adults. Babies with this condition tend to be cranky, sleepy or hard to wake up and do not feed properly. They are also hard to console despite every attempt that would have comforted them normally. Other symptoms that can be noticed in babies suffering from meningitis are: Fever Bulging fontanel (soft spot on the head) Lower than normal temperature Stiffness in the body and neck Weak sucking motion High pitched cry Jaundice (yellowish skin color) Cold hands and feet Extreme shivering Marks of bruises anywhere on the body Diarrhea The first symptoms in toddlers are usually headache, fever, vomiting and a general feeling of being unwell. Fever is often absent in babies less than 3 months of age and even rashes do not always appear.
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An overview of epilepsy

An overview of epilepsy

Epilepsy is a brain disorder, which is generally characterized by the frequented occurrence of the seizures in many individuals. The seizure is often described as the sudden modification in your behavior because of the momentous change in the electrical working of the brain. In normal condition, your brain constantly generates minute electrical impulses in a particular order. When you suffer from epilepsy, these balanced electrical impulse rhythms will be disturbed. This will ultimately result in the recurrence of the seizures in a lot of people. Symptoms of epilepsy The people suffering from epilepsy show various symptoms like: While suffering from epilepsy, you may experience a tremor with no fever. There are also chances of having short moments of blackouts or you may have a confused memory. You may also experience recurrent fainting in which the control over bowel will be lost and you will experience extreme tiredness. You may also be not able to answer any question or respond for a short span of time. You may also experience stiffness of the body without any particular reason. You may also fall suddenly without any specific reason. There are chances of sudden blinking and chewing for no reason specifically. You may also not be able to communicate with anyone.
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Deep vein thrombosis: Diagnosis and complications

Deep vein thrombosis: Diagnosis and complications

A serious condition that occurs when a blood clot forms in a vein located deep inside the body is known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). When a clump of blood turns into a solid state it is called a blood clot. These clots are typically formed in the thigh or lower leg, but they can also develop in the other areas of the body. It can also develop if one has certain medical conditions that stimulates the blood clots. It also happens if one doesn’t move for a long period of time, especially after surgery or an accident or when confined to bed rest. To diagnose deep vein thrombosis, a physical examination would be required to check the affected areas for swelling, tenderness, or discoloration of the skin. Depending on how likely one might have a blood clot, the following tests would be suggested– Ultrasound A wand-like device (transducer) is placed over the part of the body where there’s a clot, sending sound waves into the area. As the sound waves travel through the tissue and reflect, a computer transforms the wave into a moving image in a video screen. D-dimer test This test measures a substance in the blood that is released when a blood clot dissolves.
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Diagnosis and treatment of seborrheic dermatitis

Diagnosis and treatment of seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin ailment that is common in many individuals. It is a condition that primarily impacts the scalp. It results in scaly patches, excess dandruff, and reddish skin. This condition also impacts the oil-prone bodily regions like eyebrows, face, eyelids, sides of the nose, ears, and chest. The other names for this condition are seborrheic psoriasis, dandruff, and seborrheic eczema. In babies, it is referred to as cradle cap where scaly and crusty patches are present on the scalp. What are the signs? Symptoms of the condition include flaking or/and greasy patches of the skin, eyebrows, mustache, hair or beard, armpits, groin, chest or under the breasts, red skin, and itchiness. Seborrheic dermatitis may be caused due to malassezia, yeast that is responsible for secretion of oil on the skin, or it could be an unusual response of your body’s defense system. Diagnosis The doctor will examine the skin by scraping off the cells of the skin. Then he or she may send these skin cells for biopsy to eliminate the chance of other identical conditions as seborrheic dermatitis. Conditions that can be similar to seborrheic dermatitis: Psoriasis  – This disorder will result in more scales that are silvery white in color.
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Types of anemia and their treatment

Types of anemia and their treatment

When the number of healthy red blood cells in the body is too low, you may be suffering from anemia. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the body’s tissues, and a low red blood cell count indicates that the amount of oxygen in the blood is lower than it should be. Anemia is determined by measuring the amount of hemoglobin, which is the protein in the red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. Women and people with chronic disease such as cancer have the highest risk of developing anemia. Anemia is very treatable, but it can be dangerous if left untreated. A proper diet can help prevent anemia from recurring. How can anemia be treated? The treatment of anemia depends on its causes: Iron deficiency anemia Treatment for this type of anemia usually involves taking iron supplements and making dietary changes. If the underlying cause of iron deficiency is the loss of blood—other than from menstruation—the source of bleeding must be located and stopped. This may involve surgery. Vitamin deficiencies anemia Anemia due to folic acid and B-12 deficiency involves dietary supplements and increasing these nutrients in the diet. If the digestive system has trouble absorbing vitamin B-12 from the food one eats, you might need vitamin B-12 shots.
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Cervical cancer- Symptoms and causes

Cervical cancer- Symptoms and causes

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that primarily occurs in the uterine cervix of women. This cancer occurs when the cells of the cervix grow abnormally. Cervix is the lowest part of the uterine cavity which connects to the vagina. If not diagnosed early, the condition of cervical cancer can also invade other tissues of the bladder, vagina, lungs, liver, and rectum. By its nature, cervical cancer is a slow-growing disease. Hence, early detection is key for successful treatment. In most of the cases, pre-cancerous changes are usually diagnosed in the cervix between the ages of 20 and 30 among women. But, cervical cancer itself usually gets detected during the mid-50s. Thus, as a disease, this cancer is preventable with correct diagnosis and adequate treatment plans. Symptoms of cervical cancer In the initial stages, cervical cancer may not show any signs. However, during the advanced stages, it will show the below-listed symptoms. The patient will experience vaginal bleeding between periods, after intercourse, or after menopause. Especially, abnormal bleeding might occur during menopause. The patient will have watery and bloody vaginal discharge. Sometimes, such discharge can be heavy and accompanied by a foul smell. Patients can experience pain during intercourse or pelvic pain.
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Causes and symptoms of erectile dysfunction

Causes and symptoms of erectile dysfunction

Though erectile dysfunction is not a life-threatening issue, still, if a man is experiencing trouble to achieve an erection for most of the times (one-quarter of the time), it is advisable to consult a medical expert as soon as possible as other health problems can be the underlying cause of it. To get the right treatment, understanding why this problem is occurring is necessary. This problem is also known as impotence or sexual dysfunction. Here is a list of some common causes of erectile dysfunction along with the symptoms. Causes of erectile dysfunction Many medical studies have shown the most common causes of erectile dysfunction to be psychological, physical, or a combination of both. According to various researches, most of the times, psychological issues and certain lifestyles cause erectile dysfunction in young men. Also, some research reports have indicated that most, older men suffer from erection problems caused by various physical reasons. Elderly men can suffer from disorders which affect the blood vessels and nerves that are responsible for the erection. Further, some researches show that almost 90 percent of the erection problems are the result of different physical problems. Here is a detailed list of the same. Diabetes High blood pressure Peyronie’s disease, the anatomical or structural disorder of penis Heart disease along with the narrowing of the blood vessels Congenital genitalia issues Parkinson’s disease Kidney or liver disease Treatment processes for the prostate issues Metabolic syndrome and obesity Multiple sclerosis High cholesterol Surgical complications Hormonal disorders like testosterone deficiency and thyroid conditions Radiation therapy in the pelvic region Injuries in the spinal cord or pelvic area On the other hand, though erectile dysfunction can happen due to psychological problems, it is less common.
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