4 tests that help diagnose Crohn’s disease

4 tests that help diagnose Crohn’s disease

Various kinds of tests are used to diagnose ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, the main two types of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Patients need to make some preparations for the day of the test. Diagnosis is a vital part of the treatment to determine what type of disease it is (Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis), and also to ascertain the severity of the disease and the complications it may cause. Even though the doctor will take care of everything during the test, you may still ask the following questions to prepare yourself for the day of the test: How uncomfortable will I be during the test? Are there any dangers associated with the test? What is expected of me during the test? What kind of information will the test provide? When can I expect the results? Some common tests used to diagnose Crohn’s disease are as follows: X-rays General X-rays These X-rays are a quick way of getting an image of the abdomen to see the narrowing of intestines or ascertain any intestinal blockage. Also, scars and inflammation in the intestines are clearly visible on X-rays. These X-rays tests are relatively inexpensive. Contrast X-rays This test is done to track the movement of the barium through the intestines.
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4 frequently asked questions about angina

4 frequently asked questions about angina

Did you ever feel a sharp pain or severe discomfort in your chest? If yes, chances are that you have already experienced angina before. Angina, more commonly referred to as chest pain, is not a disease in itself. It, however, stands as a warning that something is just not right with your heart. In other words, it gives you an indication that a heart-related disease is knocking on your doors and you need to take measures to evade it. So, what exactly is angina? Is it something you can let go of or something you should be extremely concerned about? Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about angina. What are the causes of angina? When there is not enough blood to pass through your heart, you experience chest pain. This might happen due to a number of reasons, a few of which include an artery blockage in your lungs or damaged arteries that block the supply of oxygen to your heart. Common triggers for this include frequent smoking, increased blood sugar level in the body, a sedentary lifestyle, excessive heavy meals, or depression. Types of angina There are three common types that you should be aware of.
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Things you need to know about hemophilia

Things you need to know about hemophilia

Hemophilia can be described as a hereditary disorder which causes a person to bleed uncontrollably. This happens due to low levels of proteins in the body called “clotting factors”, which leads to improper clotting of blood. Research estimates that approximately one out of 10,000 people inherit this disorder. Even though hemophilia is rare, it is a dangerous situation, which can cause internal bleeding and swollen joints, among many other complications. Types of Hemophilia There primarily three forms of hemophilia namely A, B, and C. Hemophilia A Caused by a shortage in ‘factor VIIl’, hemophilia A is found more amongst people than any other type. Patients suffering from hemophilia A experience bleeding for a longer time, while also having the possibility of bleeding internally, all depending on the amount of factor VIII in their system. Hemophilia B It is commonly referred to as Christmas disease because the first person diagnosed with Hemophilia B was a patient named Stephen Christmas in the year 1952. Hemophilia B is caused by the lack of ‘factor IX’ in the blood and includes symptoms like deep tissue bleeding, and bleeding into a joint in extreme cases. This is known as hemarthrosis. Hemophilia C Caused due to the deficiency of ‘factor XI’ in the blood, the risk of bleeding in hemophilia C is not always high.
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Know more about the causes of hypertension

Know more about the causes of hypertension

Another name for what is commonly called high blood pressure, hypertension is a major global issue. The force the blood applies on the walls of veins, capillaries, and the like is called blood pressure. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that the level of salt in diets has been affected by the progress of the processed food industry, causing an increase in hypertension. This increases the chances of heart diseases, strokes, and in quite a few cases, death. Ideal blood pressure for the human body is 120/80, while anything over than 130/80 can be classified as hypertension. While completely capable of occurring on its own, causes can include stress and kidney diseases, among many others. As hypertension can lead to problems such as heart attack, strokes, and the like, the best way to combat high blood pressure is to make significant changes in lifestyle. Causes of hypertension While the definitive cause of hypertension remains a mystery, a significant amount of cases are due to pre-existing illness. Other than that, the factors that increase the risk of hypertension are: Age Increasing age brings along narrowing arteries and accumulation of plaque, making the body prone to high blood pressure. This usually occurs over the age of 60.
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All you need to know about liver cancer

All you need to know about liver cancer

Liver cancer or hepatic cancer originates in the liver as the name suggests. Even though there is a chance that some cancers might originate in the region outside the liver and later affect the organ, the cancerous cells that affect the liver can be referred to as liver cancer. Being one of the largest organs in the body the liver is important for survival. It plays a role in functions like removing toxins from the body. Liver cancer can be the appearance of malignant tumors either inside or outside the liver. It is found that the number of people diagnosed with this illness is 22,000 in men and 9,000 in women. Liver cancer, compared to other cancers has a lower chance of survival. If you are an extensive alcoholic, you might have a higher risk of liver cancer. Symptoms Symptoms are usually dormant until the cancer is at a higher stage. As liver cancer is highly dangerous, even the slightest signs should be enough reason to visit a doctor. Following are the symptoms that you might experience: Jaundice Pain in the abdomen Weight loss Enlarged liver Vomiting Back pain Fever Itching Causes Even though there is no clarity on the cause in most cases, some cases might show the presence of liver cancer due to specific hepatitis viruses.
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Common types of metabolic bone disorders

Common types of metabolic bone disorders

Metabolic bone disorders basically characterize issues with bone strength. They are typically a result of abnormalities of the different minerals that the body requires. For example, a deficiency or excess of phosphorus, calcium, or Vitamin D, may create an issue with the bone structure and the bone mass. Generally, when people refer to common metabolic bone disorders, they are talking about osteoporosis. If they go untreated, they can also develop into fragile fractures, serious disability, and multiple deformities with the bones. While there may be variants of metabolic bone disorders, we will be covering the most common ones in the following article. Rickets Rickets is commonly found in children and is a bone disorder that is developed during the early years of one’s life. In this condition, bones really soften and are highly susceptible to deformity and fractures. It is mainly found in developing countries where malnutrition is a common problem. One of the main reasons for this metabolic bone disorder is the deficiency of Vitamin D in the body. Additionally, a lack of calcium can lead to rickets. Paget’s disease One of the many common metabolic bone disorders is Paget’s disease. This disease attacks the bones mainly and hinders the process of recycling in the body.
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All you need to know about atrial fibrillation

All you need to know about atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is a condition in which your heart experiences abnormal and irregular heart rate. This condition can lead to complications like heart failure, stroke, and other serious heart-related problems. Atrial fibrillation occurs when the upper chambers of the heart, namely the atria, beat or pulse out of sync with the 2 lower chambers of the heart, namely the ventricles. It has been found that nearly 2.7 million citizens live with this condition. You may experience atrial fibrillation in recurring episodes or as a long term condition that does can be alleviated upon receiving treatment. By understanding the underlying causes of atrial fibrillation, you can get a better idea of this condition and take precautionary measures. Causes of atrial fibrillation During atrial fibrillation, the upper right chamber of your heart, the right atrium sends erratic and irregular electrical impulses. At the same time, your ventricles also experience impulses, but not as strong as the electrical impulses in your atria. This results in an abnormal and irregular heartbeat. These abnormalities experienced in the heartbeat may be attributed to the following causes: A heart attack may be responsible for causing these irregularities in the functioning of the heart. Imbalances in the metabolic system, such as improper functioning of the thyroid gland can also lead to this condition.
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Things to know about pancreatic cancer

Things to know about pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a condition that leads to the growth and multiplication of cancerous cells in the pancreas. It is the ninth most commonly diagnosed form of cancer in women and the 10th most common type of cancer in men across the country. It is estimated that in 2019, as many as 56,000 people will be diagnosed with this condition. Types of pancreatic cancer The pancreas is a gland that secretes digestive enzymes and hormones. It is located between the spine and the stomach. It has two types of cells — exocrine and endocrine. Depending on whether the tumor lies on the ducts of the pancreas or the hormone-producing cells, the condition can be classified as exocrine and endocrine. Exocrine pancreatic cancer is the most common type of pancreatic cancer. The tumor develops in the ducts of the pancreas. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma accounts for about 95% of cancer cases of the exocrine pancreas. Other forms of exocrine cancers are adenosquamous carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, and signet ring cell carcinomas. Endocrine pancreatic cancer or neuroendocrine tumors are tumors that develop in the neuroendocrine cells or hormone-producing cells of the pancreas. It is a less common type and accounts for less than 5% of pancreatic cancer cases.
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Types of eye infections

Types of eye infections

Eye infections take place when bacteria, virus or fungi infect your eyes, resulting in inflammation. Types of eye infections There are many reasons for one’s eyes to become infected. Some of the conditions are: Conjunctivitis This refers to the inflammation of the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane that covers the sclera, as well as the inner portion of the eyelids. It is also called pink eye as it is characterized by redness of the eye, pain, purulent discharge, and watering. Keratitis This is caused due to inflammation of the cornea, the outermost layer of the eye. There are two types of keratitis: infectious keratitis and non-infectious keratitis. While infectious keratitis is caused by infection with microorganisms, non-infectious keratitis is caused due to trauma to the eye, a foreign body in the eye, or contact lenses, which may cause injury and irritation. Uveitis This eye infection leads to inflammation of the middle layer of the eye, the uvea. The redness of the eye associated with this condition can also be caused by certain inflammatory diseases which damage the uvea along with the optic nerve and vitreous cavity. This may even lead to blindness if left untreated. Endophthalmitis This is a rare, post-operative eye condition.
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Complications and prevention for dementia

Complications and prevention for dementia

When you are at a younger age, the actions you take and the steps you keep in place to take care of your health can prove to be very useful in your future when old age hits. Health is one thing that should be taken care of from the very beginning as at any point, a series of unhealthy choices could lead to drastic changes in your body which will only show themselves to us at a much later point of time in the future. Hence, it is important to be aware of the various conditions that could hit us in the future and to take care of the very beginning in order to avoid these conditions. Taking the necessary care would cost you less mentally, physically and financially too, unlike in the future where there would be trouble in all the three classes. Dementia is one such condition which is very commonly seen in old people in the world today. While it is not an entire disease in itself, it does represent a group of symptoms which interfere with the general way of living and lead to a miserable lifestyle. Some factors which increase the risk of being a victim to this condition are unfortunately entirely out of your hands.
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