Common types of metabolic bone disorders
Metabolic bone disorders basically characterize issues with bone strength. They are typically a result of abnormalities of the different minerals that the body requires. For example, a deficiency or excess of phosphorus, calcium, or Vitamin D, may create an issue with the bone structure and the bone mass. Generally, when people refer to common metabolic bone disorders, they are talking about osteoporosis. If they go untreated, they can also develop into fragile fractures, serious disability, and multiple deformities with the bones. While there may be variants of metabolic bone disorders, we will be covering the most common ones in the following article.
Rickets is commonly found in children and is a bone disorder that is developed during the early years of one’s life. In this condition, bones really soften and are highly susceptible to deformity and fractures. It is mainly found in developing countries where malnutrition is a common problem. One of the main reasons for this metabolic bone disorder is the deficiency of Vitamin D in the body. Additionally, a lack of calcium can lead to rickets.
Paget’s disease
One of the many common metabolic bone disorders is Paget’s disease. This disease attacks the bones mainly and hinders the process of recycling in the body. The bone tissues are meant to replace the old tissues and this is when recycling occurs. However, in this disease, the bones can get really fragile and susceptible to injuries. This disease mostly attacks the skull, the pelvis, the legs, and the spine.
As a person grows older, the risk of getting Paget’s increases. You also become susceptible to it if somebody in your family has this problem. The complications associated with this disease may include loss of hearing, feeling a pinching sensation in your nerves, and most importantly, broken bones.
Currently, this common metabolic bone disorder affects more than 53 million people in the whole of the country. It is characterized by the density of the bone decreasing as well as the body’s production of bones slowing down. While it occurs in both men and women, the latter are more susceptible to developing it as the sudden decrease of estrogen post-menopause can really increase the chance of getting osteoporosis. Once the bones start to become weak, the risk of getting a fracture and even falling is quite high.
While one may confuse this condition with osteoporosis, it is slightly different. Firstly, osteomalacia is characterized by the bones really becoming weak. However, this is caused when the new bones that have to form start to get affected. In osteoporosis, it is the remodeling of the live bones which poses itself as a problem. The main cause for this and almost every other metabolic bone disorder or bone problem, is the lack of Vitamin D.
If you feel anything abnormal and too much pain in the body, then consulting a doctor is highly advisable so that you can start with the treatment at the earliest.