6 Superfoods for Radiant Skin

6 Superfoods for Radiant Skin

What you consume is a contributing factor to your skin health. Therefore part of essential skincare is consuming the right foods (i.e., foods high in vitamins A, antioxidant rich foods, healthy fats, vitamin C, vitamin B, selenium, drink plenty of water, etc.). The result of a healthy diet means your skin will get maximum protection against any damage from the sun, diminish any signs of aging, and provide maximum elasticity. Here are some superfoods that can help you maintain radiant skin: 1. Green tea Green tea contains polyphenols that reduce the productions of sebum in the body, and as a result, it helps in the prevention of acne. As one of the antioxidant rich foods with Catechins, the tea also contains Vitamin A, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which contribute to treating skin that is oily and has acne. Experts also found out that drinking green tea 5-6 cups in a day would help prevent a person from getting skin cancer by repairing rapidly damaged DNA. 2. Brazil nuts Besides genetics, the primary source of a person’s skin with dark circles can be because of lack of sleep and aging. As time passes, the skin will lose its thins and collagen.
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Top Foods Known to Cause Breathing Problems

Top Foods Known to Cause Breathing Problems

Breathing problems are quite prevalent, many as a result of asthma, allergies, COPD, and chronic sinusitis. These widespread conditions result in various symptoms, which include shallow breathing, wheezing, and chest congestion. Based on the fact that these are common illnesses worldwide, individuals diagnosed with any of these conditions usually find ways to minimize the discomfort. Medical professionals have brought our attention to evidence that proves that regular consumption of certain foods can increase breathing problems in patients with existing lung and airway conditions. In many cases, these foods are consumed by individuals several times a day without their knowledge of the impact on breathing. By adopting a healthier diet and eliminating the following foods known to cause breathing problems, patients may find some relief: 1. Corn While corn is a favorite among starches, corn can cause gas and bloating, causing the space for your lungs to lessen, which causes the difficulty in breathing. Corn can be consumed in moderation for individuals who do not have a severe case of breathing-related conditions. However, for individuals with more severe cases, it is recommended that it is avoided. 2. Cabbage ​A lot of us love our vegetables. They are rich in fiber and other nutrients and are also tasty.
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Asthma-Friendly Snack Foods

Asthma-Friendly Snack Foods

People who experience asthma experience narrowed airways that become swollen and produce excessive mucus. Asthma makes breathing difficult and causes shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing. It can be a minor irritation for some patients, but for others, asthma can be a life-threatening condition. Although asthma has no cure, it can be safely controlled with doctor-prescribed medications and a diet composed of foods that help prevent and manage symptoms. Read on for some asthma-friendly foods for asthma patients: 1. Hard boiled eggs According to a Mayo Clinic asthma specialist, consuming eggs can improve the symptoms of asthma because it provides Vitamin D. People who have a low level of Vitamin D are more likely to suffer more serious asthma symptoms. On the other hand, people with high or normal levels of Vitamin D are less likely to suffer from asthma symptoms. 2. Leafy green salads We all know the power of leafy greens – they are packed with vitamins and minerals. They also contain folate, which is a B vitamin. A 2016 study by Annals of the American Thoracic Society found that children who were deficient in folate and Vitamin D were approximately eight times more likely to experience one or more severe asthma attacks compared to children who were well-nourished.
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Food Triggers for Asthma

Food Triggers for Asthma

Asthma is an inflammatory lung condition that causes the airways in the lungs become narrow, swollen, and filled with mucus or fluid. Some of the telltale symptoms of asthma include breathing difficulties, coughing, wheezing, and tightness in the chest. People of all ages can be affected, but asthma usually develops in childhood. Some patients experience asthma as a minor condition while it can be a serious, life threatening issue for others. While environmental triggers (i.e., pollen or smoke) for asthma are common culprits; the foods we eat may also play a role in worsening asthma symptoms: 1. Cow’s milk Some patients may develop milk allergy (i.e., casein allergy) when their immune system treats milk and other dairy products as harmful. This result due to an allergic reaction or the failure by the body to digest lactose found in the milk (i.e., lactose intolerance). The body reacts to the protein (or casein) found in milk, and the person may experience hives, itchy skin, stomach upset, vomiting, loose bowel movement, diarrhea, or even anaphylactic shock in severe cases. Unfortunately, asthma and allergies are often found together in patients, and animal milk and dairy products are linked to this condition because they cause more mucus in the body.
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Foods to Avoid with Eczema

Foods to Avoid with Eczema

Eczema is a long-lasting skin condition that consists of inflamed, itchy skin. When having an eczema flare-up, the inflamed skin resembles a rash. Eczema is known as atopic dermatitis. Currently, there are no cures for this skin condition. Some common signs and symptoms of eczema include dry skin, itchy skin, sensitive skin caused by scratching, small bumps that leak fluid, and skin that is patchy in the colors of red or brown. Though there is no cure for eczema, however, avoiding certain trigger foods can help ease symptoms: 1. Citrus fruits Citrus fruits contain acid that works against people with eczema. Amines and salicylates are present in citrus fruits. These chemicals are known to cause itchy skin. The acid in citrus fruits causes inflammation. 2. Dairy Dairy is a common cause of an eczema flare-up. When consumed, dairy directly affects the immune system and leads to inflammation. Dairy is high in calcium. Those who have eczema should avoid eating or drinking dairy as a way to obtain calcium. There are other ways to include calcium in a daily diet, such as supplements. 3. Gluten There is a protein found in wheat known as gluten. As a result of its large size, the body uses special enzymes to break gluten down.
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The 5 Worst Foods for GERD

The 5 Worst Foods for GERD

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a digestive disorder that occurs when the stomach acid continually flows from the stomach back up into the esophagus. This disorder causes an irritating effect on the gullet (tube connecting the mouth with the stomach). Moreover, GERD individuals may experience difficulty in swallowing, heartburn, a lump in the throat, and chest pains. In severe cases, individuals may experience worsening asthma, chronic coughs, and Laryngitis. GERD is caused by the sphincter’s malfunction, a type of muscle located in the esophagus that allows food to flow to the stomach. When the muscle dysfunction, it will enable the stomach acid to rush back to the esophagus. GERD risk factors include eating specific food triggers, drinking certain beverages, slowed digestion, taking certain medications, smoking, pregnancy, among others. Research indicates that the majority of patients suffering from GERD report certain foods as triggers. The following are some foods and beverages that are considered as worst triggers for GERD: 1. Alcohol Alcohol is widely considered to exacerbate the symptoms of Gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD. Medical experts argue that alcohol can cause dysfunction of the sphincter muscle. As indicated, the sphincter muscle prevents the flow back of foods and liquids back to the esophagus.
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The 4 Worst Foods For High Cholesterol

The 4 Worst Foods For High Cholesterol

High cholesterol means that there are an increased and unhealthy amount of cholesterol in the blood. This condition has been known to limit and restrict blood flow and increase the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Luckily, a simple blood test can detect high cholesterol since it has no symptoms. Treatment includes exercise and a healthy diet. There are 2 types of cholesterol: LDL “bad cholesterol” or low-density lipoprotein; and HDL “good cholesterols, or high-density lipoprotein. LDL is known as “bad cholesterol” since it transports cholesterol to the arteries and collect in the walls of the arteries if it reaches excessive amounts. Below are the foods to avoid if you have been diagnosed with high LDL cholesterol: 1. Lamb, beef and pork The average American consumes approximately 100 – 150 grams of red and white meat or fish every day. Meat is a very important protein source but with the increase in consumption of meat is the increase in cardiovascular disease and other associated health problems. This is because of the amount of saturated fat in the meat, found more in red than white meat. Saturated fat is well known to be linked with risk factors of cardiovascular disease such as high blood pressure and high blood pressure.
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The 4 Worst Foods That Can Cause Breathing Problems

The 4 Worst Foods That Can Cause Breathing Problems

People with breathing related conditions strive to make sure that they practice their due diligence when it comes to avoiding products that may aggravate their symptoms. However, one of the things that many people overlook is the food that they’re eating. Emerging modern research has been consistently demonstrating that there is a link between certain kinds of food and the exacerbation of breathing issues such as asthma, cardiovascular conditions allergies and COPD. Here are some foods you need to steer clear of, that can actually make your breathing related condition worse: 1. Milk As children, we learn that milk is healthy and we’re introduced to it from a very early age. Most of us can’t even remember the first time we had milk. But, while experts praise milk for being rich in calcium, it can cause gas and bloating even to people who do not have a lactose intolerance. The problem with gas and bloating is that it can actually cause the chest to tighten. This tightening motion can trigger asthma attacks as well as aggravate underlying breathing related conditions. Other minor foods that cause gas include: Cabbage Beans Gas Soy Carbonated Beverages 2. Non-perishable food items (preservatives) Individuals with breathing issues need to pay close attention to non-perishable foods that contain preservatives.
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Superfoods to Lower Cholesterol

Superfoods to Lower Cholesterol

The words “high cholesterol” put many people on edge. However, cholesterol is naturally created by your own liver and vital for producing several hormones that your body needs. Without cholesterol, the body can’t break down the fats in the food you consume. There are two different kinds of cholesterol. LDL (or bad) cholesterol is the type that can build up in excess in the arteries and result in a stroke or heart attack. HDL (or good) cholesterol is the type required to eliminate LDL cholesterol via the liver. Several healthy lifestyle habits can do wonders for your cholesterol levels, including making these amazing superfoods part of your regular diet: 1. Avocados Reducing saturated fats is a good start in making improvements to your diet. One way to reduce those fats is to use monounsaturated fatty acids, or MUFAs for short. A top source of these MUFAs is the humble avocado. Though guacamole has tainted the avocado’s good name due to being served along corn chips that are high in fats, adding some avocado to meals can assist with improving LDL levels. This staple of the Mediterranean diet is a heart healthy favorite that can be paired with many of your favorite meals.
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