All about the Paleo diet
A well-balanced diet plays a crucial role to maintain and enhance one’s health and stamina and also keeps diseases at bay. It’s important to note that a well-balanced diet implies the consumption of the right food at the right time in the right quantity. Its significance in our lives cannot be stressed enough.
History of the Paleo diet
A paleolithic diet, popularized as the Paleo diet, is considered to be a Stone-Age diet that is inspired by cavemen. It includes foods that are considered to have been the only foods available for human consumption during that era. It’s derived from the fact that the best food is directly available from nature rather than foods like dairy products, cereals, and artificially processed foods.
Back then, before agricultural practices had developed, our ancestors didn’t consume processed sugars, refined oils, potatoes or beans, and cereals. During the Paleolithic era, the digestive capacity of humans was significantly different from that of evolved humans. During that era, humans didn’t consume milk since it was impossible to milk any animals. As for sweeteners, raw honey was the only source and no salt was used. The diet was rich in protein. Most of the life-threatening diseases and health problems in recent times are the causes of changes in the diet. Studies have concluded that bringing back the Paleo diet can resolve most health issues since it is rich in protein and carbohydrates.
The Paleo diet meal plan
Diet of the Paleolithic era has amazing health effects and is very simple and to incorporate into one’s lifestyle. The whole food-based diet guarantees significantly lower rates of modern lifestyle diseases and improves health to a great extent.
Foods to include
- All lean meats including chicken, turkey, and lamb. Grass-fed and pasture-raised cattle meat is also good for consumption.
- Seafood including shellfish, salmon, shrimp, and haddock
- Free range eggs that have Omega-3 fatty acids
- Wholesome fruits, berries, and vegetables
- Nuts like almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, and seeds including sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.
- Use extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, or coconut oil in your diet
- Raw honey
- Whole grain products
Foods to avoid
Foods and food items that should be avoided include:
- Sugary foods such as candies, pastries, ice creams, soft drinks, and fruit juices.
- Artificial sweeteners like sucralose, saccharin, and aspartame
- Cereal grains like barley, wheat, oats, and millets
- Dairy products, especially those that are low-fat
- Processed meats and foods with salt and trans fat
- Vegetable oils like sunflower oil, grapeseed oil, and soybean oil.
- Foods with additives, artificial ingredients, and flavors.
Other than these foods, the modern day Paleo diet also considers premium quality grass-fed animals that produce butter or gluten-free grains as healthy.