Bipolar disorder and how it has affected people over the years

Bipolar disorder and how it has affected people over the years

In modern times that we find ourselves in, each individual is faced with challenges of the era, that comes to being with a change of time and trend. Loads have been discussed and assessed about physical ailments and disorders, knowledge about which is available and well professed in abundance, however, it is immensely important for one to know the mental hurdles, similar to the physical ailments, that one might be exposed to. If looked at the entire population from a bird’s eye view, the percentile affected by mental disorders are more in number than individuals who find themselves affected by physical diseases.

Up until recent times, a lot of mental issues that we know of, used to be known as just another small component of human life. However, such is not the case, our minds, emotions and everything in relation to it, is as complex as the organ system we live with the help of.

Stress or mental pressure is something that we all face from time to time. It is to be understood that not all our minds and its ability to deal with the pressure are the same. This is where the ever-evolving field of psychiatry comes into the picture.

Bipolar disorder is two words in combination. They have been discussed on various platforms including social media platforms and publications read by the common population. This term is in correlation to another term, mood swings. Fluctuations in one’s mood is a common phenomenon even for someone whose mental state of being is sane. However, when these fluctuations happen erratically and in variations, lowest and highest, that is when a common reaction of thinking, turns into a mental ailment called bipolar disorder.

As per leading research agencies and online portals, bipolar disorder is categorized under ‘very common’ in terms of the percentage of people affected. Since it is a mental ailment, many take symptoms of bipolar disorder lightly and do not address the situation with the help of a professional.

To identify one’s mental state as affected by bipolar disorder, one needs to get a proper diagnosis from a trained psychiatrist.

Bipolar disorder is evident in the form of manic episodes, wherein, one’s state of mind will cease to be constant and uniform. These episodes might be characterized as high energy during the times when the manic state is at its peak, or unexplained lethargy when the state is low.

As per medical associations, the first step that one can take to tackle this, is therapy, initially with a trained professional and in regular instances with someone constant in our lives, who in due course becomes a form of emotional support, that one can turn to when faced with a crisis. In this phase, support groups are also of immense help, as one is able to be on the same page with people who suffer from the ailment. With the advent of technology and an increase in accessibility, such kinds of groups are now most widely available online, wherein one can access meetings and support anywhere, anytime using their computers or smartphone devices.

If one’s psychiatrist presumes the case to be unmanageable, that is when medications might be prescribed, to help ease the discomfort caused by the fluctuations in the mood.