Causes and symptoms of erectile dysfunction

Causes and symptoms of erectile dysfunction

Though erectile dysfunction is not a life-threatening issue, still, if a man is experiencing trouble to achieve an erection for most of the times (one-quarter of the time), it is advisable to consult a medical expert as soon as possible as other health problems can be the underlying cause of it. To get the right treatment, understanding why this problem is occurring is necessary. This problem is also known as impotence or sexual dysfunction. Here is a list of some common causes of erectile dysfunction along with the symptoms.

Causes of erectile dysfunction
Many medical studies have shown the most common causes of erectile dysfunction to be psychological, physical, or a combination of both.

  • According to various researches, most of the times, psychological issues and certain lifestyles cause erectile dysfunction in young men.
  • Also, some research reports have indicated that most, older men suffer from erection problems caused by various physical reasons. Elderly men can suffer from disorders which affect the blood vessels and nerves that are responsible for the erection.

Further, some researches show that almost 90 percent of the erection problems are the result of different physical problems. Here is a detailed list of the same.

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Peyronie’s disease, the anatomical or structural disorder of penis
  • Heart disease along with the narrowing of the blood vessels
  • Congenital genitalia issues
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Kidney or liver disease
  • Treatment processes for the prostate issues
  • Metabolic syndrome and obesity
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • High cholesterol
  • Surgical complications
  • Hormonal disorders like testosterone deficiency and thyroid conditions
  • Radiation therapy in the pelvic region
  • Injuries in the spinal cord or pelvic area

On the other hand, though erectile dysfunction can happen due to psychological problems, it is less common. If no obvious physiological issue or anatomical deformity is present, erectile dysfunction can be caused by the following psychological factors.

  • Guilt
  • Anxiety
  • Frustration
  • Depression
  • Relationship conflicts
  • Fear of intimacy

However, you need to understand that sexual dysfunction can happen due to the overlapping reasons between physical and psychological causes.

Symptoms of erectile dysfunction

  • You may face trouble in getting an erection in the first place. If you want to indulge in sexual intimacy, you might not get an erection.
  • You may face trouble in making the erection last long enough to have sex
  • You may not get an erection at any time
  • Reduced sexual desire

The complications associated with erectile dysfunction can affect one’s quality of life and intimate relationships. If not treated at the right time, this problem may invite other issues like low self-esteem, anxiety or stress, dissatisfaction in sex life, which may lead to relationship problems and embarrassment. Maybe talking to your partner regarding the problems can help you to face the issue confidently. However, the sooner you consult a doctor, the faster you can overcome it and lead a happy life.