Causes, symptoms and risk factors of carcinoid tumor
A tumor is a mass of abnormal tissues which integrates to form a solid or fluid-filled. Tumor at its initial stage is not life menacing but if remained untreated for a long period, can grow into cancer. There are various kinds of cancer and tumor but, one of the uncertain or unpredictable tumors is a carcinoid tumor.
A carcinoid tumor is also known as a neuroendocrine tumor that can occur in any part throughout the body. Precisely, carcinoid tumor is a subset of the group of tumors, neuroendocrine tumors. It basically originates in the GI (Gastrointestinal) tract (stomach, small intestine, appendix, colon, and rectum) thymus or in lungs. Usually, carcinoid tumor is a slow-growing tumor which grows over the period of many years.
Causes of carcinoid tumor
Basically, a tumor is formed due to mass development of abnormal cells replacing the healthy cell during the mutation in its DNA. The unhealthy cancerous cells then spread throughout the body and accumulate to form a tumor. Most of the tumor formation occurs in a body due to the existence of the in their bloodline. Cancer and tumor are more often genetic disorders which is why doctors have fewer answers regarding the causes of the same.
Symptoms of carcinoid tumor
This sort of tumor does not show symptoms until it has reached a severe level. Although, it can produce and release hormones which would attract your attention. They are:
While you breathe, a rattling sound comes from your chest which is a result of obstruction inside the air passage. Most of the time, we consider it as a sign of a cough, which later, turns out wrong.
Chest pain
This happens when the tumor is developing in the lungs. You might have minor to major chest pain at any time of the day and mostly while taking deep breathes which might further result in, shortness of breath.
No matter where the tumor is growing, the bearer tends to have diarrhea overtimes. The bearer may also notice rectal pain or rectal bleeding which is another sign of GI tract tumor.
Nausea and vomiting
The bearer may find difficulty while bowel as a result of obstruction which will lead to an increase in vomiting and nausea.
Risk factors of carcinoid tumor
Risk factors are those factors which increase the chances of occurrence of any disease. There is a certain risk factor that can be controlled and overcome but, there is also a certain factor which neither is changed nor can be treated.
Genetic Syndromes
There are a couple of genetic syndromes that increase the chances of the different types of cancer in your bodies such as multiple endocrine neoplasias, neurofibromatosis and other genetic syndromes.
Gender and age
This type of tumor is mostly seen in women than men because of their weak immune system. A human body is likely to become more prone to diseases after the age of 35.
Smoking and drinking
Smoking and drinking have always been a risk factor for any disease. It reduces the healing process of your system.
Hence, these are few things regarding causes, symptoms and risk factors of carcinoid tumor that you should know.