Dietary Tips for Gout

Dietary Tips for Gout

A complex form of arthritis that many people suffer from is a condition known as gout, or gouty arthritis. Gout causes chronic red swelling and extreme aches and pains in joints. It can be caused by eating purine-rich foods, environmental factors, medications, and a family history of the condition. Thankfully, there are ways you can help prevent and calm down gout flare ups. One of those ways is by sticking to a strict gout diet.

This list of gout-friendly snacking foods can help you get started:

1. Citrus fruit

Vitamin c is a necessary nutrient the body needs to help relieve inflammation and keep the immune system healthy so it can help prevent and relieve gout flare ups. Some of the best citrus fruits to snack on to battle gout are oranges, grapefruits, pommels, mandarin oranges, and tangerines.

2. Quinoa for pain relief

Quinoa is a superfood and when you are suffering from gout you need to consume less protein and more carbohydrates to fuel the body. Quinoa is one of the best carbohydrates you can eat because it not only contains nutrients to provide the body with energy, but it also contains vital minerals and fatty acids essential for keeping inflammation and pain down and away. Making a healthy quinoa snacking bowl with some fruit or vegetables mixed in will help increase the amount of beneficial nutrients you receive for battling against gout flare ups.

3. Lean white fish

Not all seafood is good to eat when you suffer from gout. Seafood such as shellfish is a no, no with gout because shellfish contains high amounts of purine. With that said, lean white fish such as haddock and cod is outstanding for providing a healthy dose of fueling protein and essential fatty acids for nourishing the body and keeping gout at bay.

4. Guacamole

Eating low purine foods is essential for ensuring gout stays away and the perfect snack to munch on is guacamole and corn chips. This is because avocados used to make the guacamole contains vitamin C, essential fatty acids, healthy proteins and antioxidants essential for reducing inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. Reducing and preventing inflammation in the body helps reduce and prevent pain as well, which will help you keep wanting to tango through life happily.

5. Dairy products

Dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, whole milk, ice cream and butter are excellent for gout sufferers to add into their diet. This is because dairy helps absorb uric acid, which is one of the acids in the body that causes gout to flare up in the first place. So get snacking on casein rich foods such as cheese and crackers, or yogurt and granola.

6. Additional snacks for gout

Remember sticking to a low purine food diet is essential for relieving, treating and preventing gout. There are countless snacks you can munch on throughout your day to battle against gout beside the ones mentioned. A last handful of some other snacks to consider are nuts and berries, a cup of baked beans, peanut butter and bananas, cherries and cream, stuffed mushrooms topped with cheese and rice pudding.