Do’s and Don’ts of the Keto Diet

Do’s and Don’ts of the Keto Diet

When it comes to unique diets, the Keto diet is among the most popular. This particular diet focuses on consuming foods that provide an individual with a variety of healthy fats and adequate amounts of protein. It also includes consuming a minimal amount of carbohydrates as well. The main goal of the Keto diet is to burn more calories from fat than from consuming carbohydrates, as the participant enters a state of ketosis. For newbies, here are some dos and don’ts of the keto diet

1. Do: Plan out your meals
One of the things that you will need to do when going on the Ketogenic diet is to plan your meals in advance. It is important to carefully determine the exact foods that you will eat for each particular meal during the day. You can also plan a meal by cooking up a bunch of hard boiled eggs, chicken breasts, slicing avocados, and prepping foods for meals ahead of time so you can spend less time preparing each meal, and thus, be less tempted to eat non-keto approved foods when you’re busy or hungry.

2. Do: Eat whole foods
Another key thing that you will need to do when going on the Keto diet is to eat whole foods. These are foods that are unprocessed and unrefined, and include fresh veggies, lean proteins like chicken, turkey, fish, and red meat, eggs, whole dairy products and more. Whenever you plan on having a meal with the Keto diet, it is important that each of your meals consist of as many of these foods as possible. This will enable you to maximize the effects of the diet and provide you with a sufficient amount of nutrients and energy to keep up the diet each day.

3. Don’t: Cut carbs and increase fats too quickly
As with any new eating plan, the body must get used to consuming certain foods gradually. This is why it’s important to cut carbs and increase fats gradually when you start keto. Cutting carbs too quickly will result in less energy. While increasing fats too fast may wreck havoc on your digestive system. So take it slowly and let your body gradually get used to this new diet.

4. Don’t: Eat too much protein
Another thing that you will need to avoid with the keto diet is eating too much protein. When you eat too much protein, you can gain a considerable amount of weight. Therefore, you will need to carefully monitor the amount of protein that you consume with each meal. In order to avoid eating too much protein, it is a good idea to make sure that the total amount that you consume each day is only one third of your total calorie intake. Keep in mind that eating too much protein can result in a variety of negative effects, including bad breath, weight gain, constipation, diarrhea, dehydration, kidney or heart damage, and calcium loss.

5. Don’t: Eat low fat foods
The last thing that you will need to avoid is eating foods that are low in fats. One of the key parts of a Keto diet is to consume more fats than carbohydrates. As a result, you will never want to eat foods that provide a minimal amount of fat as you may suffer nutritional and caloric deficiencies as a result. It is important to make sure that you always get the correct amount of healthy fats so you don’t get fatigued and suffer a lowered immune system. By avoiding low fat foods, you will have plenty of energy as well as make progress towards weight loss and improved focus.