Living a normal life with fibromyalgia
Patients suffering from fibromyalgia and their close family members would know how painful and frustrating this condition can be. The pain and fatigue associated with the disease are intense enough to knock anyone out of their regular routine and lifestyle. Living with this condition does not necessarily mean that your life will be challenging. Here are some ways to manage fibromyalgia without letting your life get off track.
Consult your doctor regularly
It is important to make your doctor aware of the severity and intensity of symptoms that you suffer from. Also, fibromyalgia patients should not skip their medication and be very particular and disciplined regarding the medical advice given to them. If the prescribed medication is taken on time and regularly, the pain and discomfort associated with the disease will be bearable and it won’t interfere in your daily routine.
Alternative therapy
Many fibromyalgia patients have reported great relief in their symptoms by going for alternatives such as naturopathy, acupuncture and massage therapy. This approach is worth trying because it can bring about a positive change in the quality of life of patients suffering from fibromyalgia.
Addressing psychological pain
The pain and discomfort associated with fibromyalgia have physical as well as psychological components. While the physical component can be regulated and managed with the help of medication and alternative therapy, the psychological aspect is best dealt with by psychological therapy sessions.
Dietary modifications
Diet has a tremendous role in maintaining and promoting good health. Fibromyalgia is often associated with chronic inflammation; thus, a diet rich in anti-oxidants may help such patients to a great extent. Patients are often advised to cut down their alcohol consumption and avoid processed food, excess salts and canned food when they are undergoing treatment. Talking to a nutritionist in this regard and getting a personalized diet chart may help.
The holistic benefits of meditation on the mind and the body are well-documented. Many patients include meditation in their treatment strategy against fibromyalgia and are benefitted by this approach. Meditation also allows patients to have a better quality of sleep.
Vitamin supplements
Certain nutritional deficiencies might exacerbate the symptoms of fibromyalgia and make the condition unbearable for some patients. Therefore, the practice of prescribing vitamin and mineral supplements to fibromyalgia patients is a common healthcare practice.
Staying active
Patients who do regular exercise, even that of low intensity, are able to manage fibromyalgia better. There is a direct correlation between pain and a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, people suffering from fibromyalgia should remain physically active and keep their muscles functional.
Anger and stress management
Stress and anger release certain chemicals in the body that alter our perception of pain and discomfort. Therefore, remaining calm and composed is advised to patients of fibromyalgia. Pursuing a hobby, meeting friends and finding constructive distractions from regular work are found to be extremely beneficial in this regard.
Fibromyalgia can be managed and controlled extremely well and the patients don’t have to make many adjustments in their life. However, this may require a combination of therapies and lifestyle changes.