Nasal congestion – Causes and treatment

Nasal congestion – Causes and treatment

Nasal congestion is the blockage of the nasal passage that causes trouble in breathing. It is not a disease but can be treated as a symptom related to other conditions. One can have trouble with breathing or have a runny nose due to nasal congestion. They may also experience mucus build up or sinus pain along with swelling of the nasal tissues. Various factors can lead to nasal congestion. However, identifying the cause of nasal congestion will help in treating and relieving the uneasiness and pain that accompanies this health issue.

Causes of nasal congestion
A common cold, the flu or a sinus infection can lead to nasal congestion. However, along with these common causes, some other factors can also contribute to nasal congestion. These factors could be all types of allergies, hay fever or allergic rhinitis, or exposure to chemical substances.

Nasal polyp, which is a non-cancerous growth or a benign tumor in the nasal passage, can also lead to long-term nasal congestion. In many cases, due to the deviation of the nasal septum, a patient’s nasal passage may become smaller, leading to continuous nasal congestion. Chronic sinusitis, a type of long-term sinus infection, can also lead to nasal congestion.

Treatment of nasal congestion
By identifying the cause of nasal congestion, one can take the necessary medication or try out some home remedies to get relief. If the reason is cold or flu, it is vital to keep the nasal passage or sinuses moist, which could help in clearing the congestion. Patients can also opt for various natural treatment options to clear the nasal passage.

People who experience congestion in their nasal passage should try to keep themselves hydrated by consuming a lot of fluids. It will thin the mucus and clear the nasal passage. Additionally, they can take a long shower or breathe in steam from warm water to clear the congestion. A vaporizer or a nasal spray will also be useful. Sleeping in an elevated position with two or more pillows under the head can also help ease the breathing.

However, home remedies will not be sufficient in the case of persistent nasal congestion. If a person experiences congestion for more than ten days, has a weak immune system or asthma or sees a nasal discharge which is green in color, accompanied by high fever or pain in the sinus, they should consult a doctor immediately.

To breathe freely, treating the symptoms is not enough. It is vital to treat the causes first. One should opt for medications to treat allergies if the congestion is due to an allergy. One can also treat a deviated nasal septum with medication. One can consult a physician to get the right treatment for nasal polyps which is a common problem faced by people.

Nasal congestion, which can be the symptoms of various conditions, can be treated by using commonly available home remedies as well as medications. However, identifying the cause of congestion is essential to determine the right course of treatment.