Natural Hair Removal Methods

Natural Hair Removal Methods

As a woman, body hair can be a difficult thing to deal with. You can use disposable razors, but that can lead to razor bumps and those are no fun! You can go and have it waxed by a professional, but that can be both time consuming and painful. You can use a traditional method of shaving with a disposable razor or use an at home wax kit, which is more budget friendly and may last longer until hair grows back.

So what’s a girl to do to get rid of unwanted hair naturally at home?

1. Sugaring kits

Sugaring is an ancient hair removal method that originated in the Middle East. It’s quite simple and easy to use. It involves a little cooking and you need sugar, water and lemon juice to make up a gel-like, sticky paste. It is similar to those home wax kits, but it is hypoallergenic, biodegradable, and organic. Sugaring will pull the hair out from the root but will not pull or stick to living skin cells. This will make it more gentle than waxing.

2. Pumice stone

If you are in a pinch and find yourself in a position where you need to put on a dress but your legs are hairy, a pumice stone can help. While the stone will not remove all the hair, it will help enough to become dress worthy. Simply wet your legs with lukewarm water and rub the stone up and down your leg. The friction from the stone will help get rid of unwanted hair.

3. Oatmeal and honey

It does not get more natural than oatmeal and honey. Mix the two ingredients together until you get a consistency that is like wax. It should be pliable so you can manipulate late it. Take an amount similar to about a 1/8 of a cup. Roll it into a ball and then place it on your leg. Press the ball around so it flattens onto your skin. Wait 30seconds and pull. You should see the hair stuck to the honey and oatmeal mixture. Repeat with the same ball until it is full of hair, then move on to a new ball until all the hair has been removed.

4. Turmeric and sea salt

You read that right, turmeric and sea salt will help remove your unwanted hair. To make the mixture you will need turmeric, sea salt, and water. Combined the mixture until you get a thick paste, similar to wet, thick sand. You will then take the mixture and rub it up and down your legs. Let the mixture sit on your legs for about 10 minutes, then rub and rinse away with warm water. This method will not only help get rid of unwanted hair, but it will also exfoliate your skin which will deter hair growth and leave your skin soft.