Natural Remedies for COPD

Natural Remedies for COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, is a difficult condition to deal with on a daily basis. It causes difficulty breathing, chronic coughing, heavy mucus production, and sometimes heavy wheezing depending on the severity of the disease.Thankfully, in addition to doctor-prescribed medications and therapies (i.e., oxygen therapy), there are some natural remedies that can also help make living with this disease a bit easier. Just be sure to speak to your doctor before adding any natural remedies to your life:

1. Reduce pollutants that irritate airways

Pollutants are in the air everywhere, but those suffering from COPD can reduce the stress on their airways by living in pollution free areas, and minimizing the products they use that can cause air pollution such as fragrant products and smoking. Going fragrant free on all household items such as cleaning and beauty can go along way to allowing COPD patients breathe a bit easier.

2. Breathing workouts for the lungs

One of the best remedies for those suffering from COPD is working out the lungs with breathing exercises. Some of the best breathing workouts to use are diaphragmatic breathing exercises.

3. COPD diet for a healthy digestion and immune system

Sticking to a diet can be hard, but the results one can provide sometimes can be beneficial to health and this is especially true for someone suffering with COPD. One of the best diets for a COPD sufferer is one that contains high amounts of zinc and lots of fiber. Zinc is essential for keeping the immune system healthy and inflammation at bay. Fiber is necessary for keeping the digestive system healing and strong. Without a healthy digestive system the gut becomes poor and this causes a poor immune system that makes COPD symptoms worse.

4. Aromatherapy for stress relief and breathing troubles

Aromatherapy is beneficial for stress relief and soothing breathing troubles related to COPD. Some of the best essential oils to use for soothing COPD and stress relief due to COPD are lavender, eucalyptus, and peppermint. The best way to use essential oils for aromatherapy relief is by placing a few drops into an aromatherapy diffuser and allowing it to release the calming soothing aromas and oils into the air for you to breathe deeply into the respiratory tract.

5. Massage for calming COPD

Massage therapy does wonders for COPD patients. That is because COPD patients tend to suffer from muscle tightness and tenderness from chronic coughing and wheezing. Massage therapy can help soften and loosen up the muscles while calming down a COPD flare up and sufferer from discomforts and mental and physical exhaustion. If you suffer from COPD it is wise to schedule a few massages each month for yourself to be well and feel well physically and mentally. After all, this condition is physically and mentally exhausting at times.

6. Additional remedies to keep in mind

Other remedies that might help relieve and fight COPD are CBD oil, rich plant based diet, daily exercise, lots of fresh air, and a technique called grounding, which involves just sitting on the ground and connecting with Mother Earth. If you smoke, it is time to quit smoking and time to allow your lungs to begin healing. Using all the remedies and methods we just talked about will go along ways to helping you cope better with COPD.