Superfoods to Lower Cholesterol

Superfoods to Lower Cholesterol

The words “high cholesterol” put many people on edge. However, cholesterol is naturally created by your own liver and vital for producing several hormones that your body needs. Without cholesterol, the body can’t break down the fats in the food you consume. There are two different kinds of cholesterol. LDL (or bad) cholesterol is the type that can build up in excess in the arteries and result in a stroke or heart attack. HDL (or good) cholesterol is the type required to eliminate LDL cholesterol via the liver.
Several healthy lifestyle habits can do wonders for your cholesterol levels, including making these amazing superfoods part of your regular diet:

1. Avocados
Reducing saturated fats is a good start in making improvements to your diet. One way to reduce those fats is to use monounsaturated fatty acids, or MUFAs for short. A top source of these MUFAs is the humble avocado. Though guacamole has tainted the avocado’s good name due to being served along corn chips that are high in fats, adding some avocado to meals can assist with improving LDL levels. This staple of the Mediterranean diet is a heart healthy favorite that can be paired with many of your favorite meals.

2. Nuts
Nuts can be your new best friend! Proven to assist with bettering cholesterol in the bloodstream, this calorie powerhouse not only can help fill you up faster but also lower heart complication risks in heart attack victims thanks to the amounts of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats contained within.

3. Fish
Though eating fish doesn’t impact cholesterol directly, the omega-3 fatty acids that make up tuna and salmon along with other favorite fish can assist with making your heart a healthier place. Triglycerides are a kind of fat that is found mostly in your blood. Reducing this kind of fat can result in lower blood pressure and lower risk of blood clots forming. Because of all these positives, the American Heart Association strongly advises enjoying two servings of fish a week. That doesn’t mean that you fry up as much fish as your heart desires. To avoid unwanted saturated fats try grilling or baking it instead.

4. Oats
There’s nothing like a warm bowl of oatmeal to start your day! This breakfast staple can help lower LDL cholesterol thanks to soluble fiber which can lower the amount of cholesterol that gets absorbed into your bloodstream. Between 5 to 10 grams of soluble fiber per day is recommended to improve your heart’s health. Just one serving of an oat infused breakfast product can contain around 4 grams! Pair it with banana or your favorite berries to boost that amount!

5. Beans and legumes
For the baked bean lovers out there, there’s good news! Those beans, along with lentils, kidney beans, and others, can help with improving your heart health! High in vegetable protein and soluble fiber, these tasty gems can also assist with the blood absorbing less cholesterol while allowing you to feel full for longer.

6. Fruits rich in pectin
Pectin, a fiber found naturally in many fruits, binds to cholesterol to help flush it out of your body. Citrus fruits, apples, bananas, and many berries contain this compound that can be crucial in improving your heart. In the case of apples and berries, it’s advised to eat them with their skin intact to get the most impact in your diet.

Eating right can result in a lot of good for your health. However, medications, such as Repaatha (a cholesterol rx), can also be beneficial. Livalo coupons are available for those in need of a little financial help. Talk to your doctor today about other steps you can take to result in a better you.