The 4 Worst Foods That Can Cause Breathing Problems

The 4 Worst Foods That Can Cause Breathing Problems

People with breathing related conditions strive to make sure that they practice their due diligence when it comes to avoiding products that may aggravate their symptoms. However, one of the things that many people overlook is the food that they’re eating. Emerging modern research has been consistently demonstrating that there is a link between certain kinds of food and the exacerbation of breathing issues such as asthma, cardiovascular conditions allergies and COPD.

Here are some foods you need to steer clear of, that can actually make your breathing related condition worse:

1. Milk
As children, we learn that milk is healthy and we’re introduced to it from a very early age. Most of us can’t even remember the first time we had milk. But, while experts praise milk for being rich in calcium, it can cause gas and bloating even to people who do not have a lactose intolerance. The problem with gas and bloating is that it can actually cause the chest to tighten. This tightening motion can trigger asthma attacks as well as aggravate underlying breathing related conditions. Other minor foods that cause gas include:

  • Cabbage
  • Beans
  • Gas
  • Soy
  • Carbonated Beverages

2. Non-perishable food items (preservatives)
Individuals with breathing issues need to pay close attention to non-perishable foods that contain preservatives. In fact, if you eat non-perishable foods regularly and you partake in an asthma treatment therapy program, your dietary choices regarding foods such as vienna sausages, spam, canned tuna or anything canned for that matter, may be sabotaging your efforts. Studies suggest that preservatives can actually aggravate breathing conditions. In some instances, it can even cause shortness of breath as well as other breathing relating issues. The main preservatives you should be on the look out for include:

  • Sulfites
  • Benzoates
  • Aspartame
  • Yellow Dye No. 5
  • Nitrates

3. Corn
Believe it or not, corn has chemical compounds in them that make them an allergen. Simply said, an allergen is anything that can trigger an allergic reaction within the system such as dust particles or pollen. People with asthma and allergies should stay clear of corn because once your body consumes it, it can signal the immune system to produce histamine, which is the chemical that’s responsible for allergy related symptoms. People can experience an asthma or allergic reaction to products that contain corn such as:

  • Corn Syrup
  • Vegetable Oil
  • Cornstarch
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup

4. Sugar and salt
In 2008, the Nestle Research Center In Switzerland published the results of their study of the impact high sugar and salt diets have on children. What they found was alarming. As the children in the study grew older, they noticed the group that consumed the most sugar and salt, had higher instances of asthma, some of which needed severe asthma treatment. As such, they firmly believe that many children develop this condition early in their life because of their high sugar intake. They believe that a sugar rich diet aggravates the immune system and can cause an build up of inflammation. This inflammation eventually leads to the narrowing of the airways as well as a decline in mucus production. This in turn leads to developing asthma-like symptoms such as shortness of breath and wheezing.