Top Foods Known to Cause Breathing Problems

Top Foods Known to Cause Breathing Problems

Breathing problems are quite prevalent, many as a result of asthma, allergies, COPD, and chronic sinusitis. These widespread conditions result in various symptoms, which include shallow breathing, wheezing, and chest congestion. Based on the fact that these are common illnesses worldwide, individuals diagnosed with any of these conditions usually find ways to minimize the discomfort.

Medical professionals have brought our attention to evidence that proves that regular consumption of certain foods can increase breathing problems in patients with existing lung and airway conditions. In many cases, these foods are consumed by individuals several times a day without their knowledge of the impact on breathing. By adopting a healthier diet and eliminating the following foods known to cause breathing problems, patients may find some relief:

1. Corn
While corn is a favorite among starches, corn can cause gas and bloating, causing the space for your lungs to lessen, which causes the difficulty in breathing. Corn can be consumed in moderation for individuals who do not have a severe case of breathing-related conditions. However, for individuals with more severe cases, it is recommended that it is avoided.

2. Cabbage
​A lot of us love our vegetables. They are rich in fiber and other nutrients and are also tasty. Vegetables have always been promoted for regular consumption to have a healthier diet. However, cabbage and other vegetables in the cabbage family are well-known contributors to gas and bloating. These symptoms usually cause breathing difficulties, especially in persons that are affected by lung disease. Besides cabbage, other cabbage related vegetables should be avoided if you are affected by any related breathing conditions. These include cauliflower, broccoli, and pak choy.

3. Milk
​Milk is nutritious and rich in calcium. While this is true, dairy products, specifically milk, can worsen and increase the symptoms for individuals who have breathing problems. Milk contains a broken-down product known as casomorphin, which causes the mucus in the intestines to increase. Most people consuming dairy in moderate portions may not experience a drastic increase in symptoms. However, medical professionals recommend that all individuals with any breathing problems, specifically sinusitis, should ensure that they drink plenty of water. While milk causes the mucus to thicken, causing congestion, drinking plenty of water will help the sinus mucus stay thin and fluid.

4. Excess salt or sugar
When adding flavor and taste to food, salt and sugar are two of the main ingredients used. A pinch of salt may not have a recognizably negative effect, but excess salt causes the body to retain water. As a result of the body containing water in excess because of the extra salt, breathing problems are the result. Sugar, which is found in many of the foods we enjoy especially carbonated beverages, has been a contributing factor in weight gain, gas, and bloating. These adverse effects of excess sugar consumption result in added pressure to be placed on the lungs, causing difficulty breathing. Persons affected by COPD and other breathing-related conditions and specific asthma symptoms and sinusitis should avoid excessive salt and sugar intake.

5. Preservatives and additives
​With the acquired knowledge and evidence of how preservatives and additives have negatively impacted one’s health, consumers have been more open to organic and natural products. The main asthma symptoms generally include breathing difficulties and foods containing preservatives and additives are to be avoided by individuals affected by this condition. Foods that contain preservatives such as yellow dye No. 5, benzoate sulfites, should be checked for and avoided as they are trigger foods that cause shortness of breath and other breathing problems.

While some of your favorite foods may fall in these categories, there are still many healthy and tasty food options that will not contribute to symptoms of COPD and symptoms of asthma and other breathing-related conditions. A healthy change in diet will result in a more comfortable lifestyle, and a more comprehensive selection of food choices will ensure a better quality of life.